Stupid Is as Stupid Does

When Hamas terrorists attacked and killed thousands of Jewish citizens, our current President Biden eventually did the right thing and supported Israel while condemning Hamas. That good thing isn’t lasting very long, though, as now he wants to send $2 billion of taxpayer relief money to Gaza.

As if Hamas would use the money to rebuild their hospitals and schools to make the lives of Gazza citizens better and safer.

Hamas would buy more guns, bullets, and bombs to kill more Jews. It’s what they do, it’s what they believe that their mission from Allah is. But Joe nor any of his “advisors” care about that. They only want to make Joe look good at the expense of more Jewish blood. Yea, it’s stupid.

Here is some more stupid. Dozens of Harvard University liberal groups wrote and signed letters blaming Israel for the war because the Jews are retaliating against the terrorists. Harvard is not the only University that teaches that. Meanwhile, it seems that Muslims are playing the Victim Game by copying the Left’s current Rules.

That said, there is now some pretty heavy pushback against the Universities. So much so that large numbers of the identified groups’ members, who joined of their own free will, are having buyer’s remorse. Yup, they didn’t know or were never told and are now trying to get out of the frying pans (very much like Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg).

That heat is most pronounced by about 30 US CEO’s urging Harvard to publish all the names behind those letters so their organizations will not hire them after they graduate. That would pretty much fry those smart, cool terrorist excusers’ bacon! If Harvard really wanted to “do the right thing” they would fire every person teaching and promoting this ante-Semitic crap as well.

So does anyone believe Harvard or any other University will look to actually do what’s right?  Not on your life – what we may see is a CYA presentation via the media to pacify critics. Then, when the heat is off, it’ll be back to business as usual.

Bet you a coffee and donut.


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