Nothing We’ve Been Told About Ukraine is True and We Need to Get Out Now

This clip is a bit longer than what I typically share, but the subject and content are compelling. Worthy of our attention and, more importantly, vigorous debate. The matter at hand is the war in Ukraine, what we’ve heard or been told, and what may be a totally different truth.

Our government’s embellishments about COVID, the obfuscation, deliberate lying, and the major media commitment to selling those lies and others give this conversation a good deal of merit.

Tucker Carlson is speaking with retired U.S. Army colonel Douglas Macgregor. He is an author, consultant, and commentator. He shares a very different version of the events in Ukraine, the competence of the Diplomatic core, the state of the US Military, and the Russian Army.

He says our intervention (boots on the ground) seems inevitable, that we are ill-prepared, and that Russia is not just ready but able to put America in a corner the extraction from which will result in either nuclear war or surrender in Ukraine, under terms unfavorable to the West and its Allies.

Put simply, we should not be there, and we need to get out now, or the cost will be much greater than the human rights disaster we’ve helped precipitate to date.

Note: The previous video was a segment of the interview: it was made private and inaccessible. It has been replaced with the full interview.

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