They have been under attack by the surrounding Arab countries since the 1948 creation of the State of Israel, but Jews have been under attack for centuries as a people. Most notably under the Third Reich with Adolph Hitler’s genocide of them (the Holocaust).
“Never Again” became their rallying cry – and deservedly so. And they brought that mentality with them upon their creation, defeating every attempt to conquer them by their “neighbors.” Each time, sometimes by discipline and sometimes with luck (or, many Christians would avow, “By the Hand of God” as His Chosen people).
It is clear that history repeats itself, but this is no farce. This recent attempt by Hamas, the Islamist terror group that controls Gaza, is where the latest terrorist attacks originate. Their watchword is “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea.” That would be the River Jordan westward to the Red Sea, meaning the State of Israel would be wiped out.
Judenrein. And no, I’m afraid I have to disagree that it means a democratically organized and run country that would simply “replace” Israel with no recriminations meted out.
THAT notion was dispelled by the killing, maiming, and kidnapping of civilians, Hamas’s primary goal, instead of fighting a war against a military force.
Victor Davis Hanson, who has gravitas far beyond that which I could ever hope for myself, says it plainly:
Here we are 78 years after the end of the Holocaust and once agains thuggish killers dressed in black are pulling Jewish elderly, women, and children out of their homes and executing them, and then throwing their bodies into the street. But in 1945 we were fighting the SS…
— Victor Davis Hanson (@VDHanson) October 7, 2023
Here we are 78 years after the end of the Holocaust and once agains thuggish killers dressed in black are pulling Jewish elderly, women, and children out of their homes and executing them, and then throwing their bodies into the street. But in 1945 we were fighting the SS murderers, now we are sending millions in subsidies to their modern Hamas killer squad counterparts. We the American people should demand not one more American cent to these Gestapo and SS killers.
See my earlier post about Democrat cities and what they have wrought to set the stage for my feelings on this. But I bet you know from the title of this post.
Voters in Democrat cities have brought ruination upon themselves – educationally, criminally, politically, and financially. Hamas, however, deliberately brought murder, terrorism, and rape to innocent people. Yes, there were other nationalities (thus far, I hear 11 Americans dead). 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982 were states-on-states military actions. “Intifada’ actions (1987, 1993, 2000, 2006, and since) have been done primarily by the PLO, Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah – both are proxy groups/terrorists funded by Iran in the West Bank and Gaza (and Lebanon).
Frankly, I can’t muster much compassion against those who kill civilians and then dance around and celebrate. These people are WORSE than mere barbarians – they are out to continue The Holocaust, in my eyes. I’ve heard the story of a young naked Israel woman paraded around in Gaza after having horrible atrocities meted out to her. Israel is well within their rights to counter-attack and meet out retribution against one and all involved in this.
Savages, by their actions, deserve no mercy. In the past, Israel has stopped their actions well before wiping out all vestiges of those who are really Evil. Evil is the only word that describes their actions. And their words.
I’ve watched some videos of the IDF retaliations against the “civilian embedded” military centers – good. Every single last one of them should suffer similar fates. Evil cannot be allowed to be sustained and allowed to regroup and revive itself. Evil needs to be eradicated.
And there are those on the American Left who are constantly harping that “Hate Has No Home Here” concerning the Left’s generated racism movements. Yet, they certainly aren’t shouting that at the terrorists that have already taken over 1,200 civilians and the hundreds kidnapped.
Reduce the West Bank to rubble.
“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” -Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel
And in return to their own words, can we maybe, just maybe, think the same about the Democrat Socialists of America who are applauding the Hamas terrorist actions? “The NYC-DSA is revealing itself for what it truly is: an antisemitic stain on the soul of America’s largest city.”
True Jew haters. They decry it of others but give themselves a pass.
HT | Instapundit