“Higher Education” BrainWashing … America Is Doomed

What was the reaction of certain Harvard student leaders to Hamas’ attacks on Israel? Blame Israel. The Jews had it coming. See the tweet below. Harvard – and I am sure its peer colleges and universities- are apparently places where it is considered normal to condone killing Jews.

Simply because they are Jews.

And yet the people at these “elite” institutions have the temerity to call Trump and his supporters Nazis?

But it’s much, much, much worse than just hypocrisy. Harvard and its peer colleges and universities generate the future leaders of America. The men and women who will sit on the Supreme Court, Presidents, Senators, the CEOs of major corporations. Imagine what the future will look like in twenty or so years when they take power.

Germany under Hitler? China under Mao? The Soviet Union under Stalin?

What wouldn’t people who support Hamas’ evil do to anyone they deem an enemy of their State?

America is doomed. Destroyed from within.




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