What does a lunatic sound like? Well … listen to Lindsey Graham and you will know exactly what a lunatic sounds like. He wants Biden to wage war on Iran … apparently without a Congressional declaration of war … if, in his view, there is an escalation (which he does NOT define) by Hamas. Graham has such a fetish for war that he is willing to shred what’s left of the Constitution and risk a wider war in the Middle East. LUNACY.
Graham is also a liar. In one breath he’s telling us that Putin is going to take over all of Europe if he is not stopped in the Ukraine and in the next he’s telling us that the Russian Army has effectively been destroyed by his pal Zelensky. His fetish for war is such that he will say anything … ANYTHING … to keep the carnage going in Ukraine, where Russia is systematically and methodically destroying the Ukrainian armed forces.
CNN host: “You are saying, that you would want the United States and Israel to bomb Iran even in the absence of direct evidence of their involvement in this attack?”
Lindsey Graham: “Yeah.” pic.twitter.com/p6LToVn0zP
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) October 12, 2023