Where will their minds be in 4 more years? Nashua, very much like Washington, seems to have an age problem with leadership.
Perhaps Nashua should enact an Ordinance with a mayoral mandatory retirement age of 70. Mayor Donchess is mentally slipping, like his Corporation Counsel, Steve Bolton. He seems to be unable to remember where is tucking money in the City budget building in hidden line items to stash away cash. We all know how it goes; you get older, and you put things in places you just can’t remember.
He claimed in a recent BOA meeting that the FY2022 Audit (yes, 2022, and it is September 2023) has been completed. He is imagining the presence of the Auditor in his finance meeting in 2023 to present the FY2022 Audit. The Mayor chairs that Committee. But it did not happen. A slipping mind.
He has forgotten he signed a $7.1 Million Loan in 2020 between the City of Nashua and a public Corporation formed to construct and operate the Nashua Arts Center. He forgot to record the Loan on the City Financials. Yikes! The Mayor is conflating this Loan with the money spent on the Arts Center. Citizens did not know about this Loan because it was never recorded as part of the $21 million of bond proceeds obtained to construct the Center.
Now is remembering the Loan he signed to be a Lease Agreement. He did sign a Lease Agreement so taxpayers could pay rent to an Art Center that we bought by bonding with our tax dollars. But, he also signed a Loan for $7.1 Million while taxpayers pay the bond debt.
Mayor Donchess is a lifelong Attorney who appears confused. Is it age or has he been in politics too long? Let’s eliminate the age factor and retire Mayor Donchess permanently.
To the Nashua Democratic Party of “youth” – find leaders who don’t have one foot on the banana peel and another in the grave.