With the Sanborn scandal breaking the news just hours ago, it unsurprisingly spawned much discussion online. I thought about my House Committee assignments article at the beginning of the year.
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I’m unsure if there’s enough material aside from the usual WMUR and NH Journal offerings in an ordinary internet search on the Sanborns. I took an even closer look at House LEADERSHIP assignments. We already know that most, if not all, committees are evenly divided, including the ones of great public interest. Remember Education, for example, sent SB 272 to the whole House without any recommendation due to it being a tie? Go figure.
I found Democrats with vice chairmanships in the following four committees: Children and Family Law, Fish and Game, Public Works, and Rules. And on top of that, Leishman is a Finance CHAIR! Under no circumstances should any intelligent person give the checkbook to ANY Democrat, ever.
What was Sherman Packard thinking?
And about our Speaker, I am calling him out as a Uniparty establishment RINO and think that a House coup might produce some good, assuming his replacement is not Wilhelm. I would recommend someone competent, seasoned, and respectable. Judy Aron, Carol McGuire, or Paul Terry might be a few ideas to consider, but perhaps there are others(both people and noteworthy reasons).
And let’s not forget that in addition to the Speaker opening a corrupt can of worms, he called former Rep Anne Copp a bitch for not wearing a mask while the microphone was on.