The Peace You Save May Be Your Own

by Op-Ed

The United States military recruiting is reaching its lowest point in nearly 50 years. The branches are offering enlistment bonuses. They are offering the choice of first duty station. Nevertheless, all three branches of the military are expected to miss their annual recruitment goals.

They will miss their goals by a lot this year. That information comes from recent testimony by the service chiefs at the House Armed Services Committee.

Why do you think this is happening? We know recruiting numbers are not improving despite significant efforts by the military services. The military is a young man’s game. It is something most do not do post 40s. The result of inability to recruit means we face undermanned Navy ships and cutting the number of Army Brigade Combat Teams.

The regime claims they are facing a number of factors. They claim there is a strong U.S. economy. The regime says it cannot compete with the civilian job market. Then there’s the claim of large numbers of legally ineligible recruits. And finally, there’s a claim of a lack of knowledge and patriotism among youth. How would that come about? Bottom line: None of these excuses mitigates failure and declining numbers.

The low recruitment issue does require a multi-faceted approach to fix. Do you see the efforts of our current regime or our current military leadership headed in the right direction? Do you see them moving in a direction that will achieve success? Look at their ads. Would you change anything? Look at their leadership. Would you change anything?

Inability to defend the nation is an issue in need of attention. Action is needed from the government and military leaders, but also parents, teachers, and community role models. The rubber meets the road where we engage with young people. We are not currently explaining the importance of military service. If parents, educators and community leaders do not lead on this issue the results will not change.

We must know the target audience. Military communications must be reshaped to appeal to them. The public must be educated on the benefits of military service. We need to emphasize educational opportunities, ability to acquire leadership skills and self-discipline. Our young people must understand military service is a responsibility implicit in citizenship.

There can be no excuses or delays. Our leaders must take action. Leadership starts at the top and this will require team building. Military service is essential to the survival of the nation. The tyrants and bullies of the world are not going to suddenly disappear. America must be strong enough to deter them. Peace is acquired through strength not appeasement and submission.

There are real benefits to supporting your country. It is not an easy job. It may not be easy to convince a sufficient number of young people to devote time and effort to service. But it is a necessary task. It’s time for the United States to confront its military recruiting crisis. Uncle Sam wants you…



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