NH-NeverTrump Journal Thinks MAGA-Voters Are Cultists Who Can’t Think For Themselves

by Ed Mosca

I’m voting for Kelly Ayotte!!! Know why??? Because Kelly went on Karoline Leavitt’s radio-show!!! Yup; that’s right; I’m a MAGA-voter, which means I’m essentially a cultist, who can’t think for myself and will follow my cult’s leaders off a cliff!!! This is how Mike Graham and the NHGOP elite see voters who supported Trump … that is, Trump’s policies had nothing … NOTHING … to do with their support. It was all a cult of personality. Hence, these voters will vote for Ayotte for Governor because one of their leaders made nice-nice with Ayotte:

So, in NH-NeverTrump world those “MAGA-voters” are going to give Ayotte a pass for turning into Jeannie-Shaheenie-lite in the futile hope that would get her reelected and her gratuitous anti-Trump virtue-signaling merely because Leavitt and Ayotte made nice-nice on the radio:

Kelly Ayotte kicked off her campaign for governor Monday morning with an impressive list of Republican backers, including former U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg, former Gov. Craig Benson, and current House Majority Leader Jason Osborne.

But the most significant name for the Ayotte campaign may be one that wasn’t on the list: Karoline Leavitt.

A former Trump White House staffer and hardcore MAGA congressional candidate, Leavitt was guest hosting the Grace Curley radio show on Monday. Ayotte is best known in some pro-Trump circles as the Republican who withdrew her endorsement of the GOP nominee during the 2016 campaign.

But the conversation between Ayotte and Leavitt was positive and policy-focused, covering business taxes, bail reform, fentanyl, and the Second Amendment. The “T” word never came up.

Leavitt’s embrace of Ayotte says much more about Leavitt than it says about Ayotte. And I’ll just leave it at that.


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