Why The NHGOP Are Such Losers - Granite Grok

Why The NHGOP Are Such Losers

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I want to bring your attention to some recent tweets from Jesse Kelly because it should help you understand why the NHGOP are such LOSERS. In my words, not his … it’s because they either don’t know what we, the GOP voters, are up against or they do know, but they either (i) don’t care, (ii) don’t have the stomach for the fight or (iii) don’t know how to fight.

Whether it is because they believe it is a winning strategy or they have some pathetic, insatiable need for a pat on the head and an “attaboy” / “he’s one of the good ones,” they are always trying to make nice-nice with EVIL. And evil is NOT too strong a word for it … people who want to abort eight and nine month old unborn babies are evil; people who want to chemically-castrate pre-teens are evil; people who believe skin-color is everything are evil.

If you consider … or even don’t believe it, but just say it … that people like Matt Wilhelm and Rosemarie Rung are your “friends,” “colleagues,” blah, blah, blah, the you are taking a piss on GOP voters. Wilhelm, Rung and their ilk … i.e., the vast majority of NH-Democrat State Reps and State Senators … are COMMUNISTS. Unless and until the NHGOP understands that, accepts that, AND embraces that, the NHGOP is going to continue to lose.
