Why Do We Let People Boss Us Around Who Can’t Do The Little Things Right?

by Skip

In the private sector, you either succeed, or you get fired.  A company either makes the right decisions according to its consumers, or they abandon (er, fire) you, and you go out of business.

Emphasis mine.

“All the people who want to ‘regulate the planetary climate’ and demand the power and unlimited resources to do so are people who have proven themselves incapable of competently managing and running recently built, closed, man-made systems.

“They cannot competently run power grids, or municipal water systems, or trash pickup; they cannot competently maintain, let alone repair, the ‘roads and bridges’ they are always pratting about; they cannot competently run or maintain the public housing they increasingly want people to live in, or the public transportation systems that they want people to rely on …

“Yet they want people to believe that they can, and should, be permitted to try and regulate the planetary climate.”

To which we really must add that they (or one particular government I have in mind) cannot manage international airports, passport issuance, legitimate protests, civil service payroll systems, support for their veterans, maintain a sufficient military, a national health-care system (which used to be the pride of the country) inter-provincial relations, and conflict of interest legislation. To be fair, they are good at handing out contracts to their friends and running up consultancy bills.

There is truth to the above, and it points to one entity – The government.

There are those that CRAVE the power that comes with their high perches (or striving to get one) within Big Government. While some elected representatives are still held accountable at the ballot box, most are incumbents until they retire or die. Bureaucrats rarely are riffed so it seems they can do what they want to the rest of us (re: the “all of a sudden to eliminate our gas stoves, rejigger our dishwashers, light bulbs (again), air conditioners, clothes washers, dryers, and cars.

Even as they are rigging the regulations to get rid of gas cars and move us into electric cars in their “ELECTRIFY EVERYTHING!!!” headlong rush in their GAIA ritual worship, they just passed MORE regulations such as coal and natural gas electric generation plants will be mostly closed on “harmful emissions” basis.

Hammer, meet Anvil (with us in the middle). And there seemingly is not a dang thing we can do about it. Just like with Obamacare, they will sacrifice themselves for their ideology.

Which as the quote points out, they are incapable of pulling any of that off. And that’s ok with them.

Their main purpose is simply to make the rest of us miserable – and they are laughing at us along the way.


HT | Rex Murphy via Instapundit


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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