Court Rules That Barack Obama, George Bush Must Pay Reparations For ISIL Attacks on Iran - Granite Grok

Court Rules That Barack Obama, George Bush Must Pay Reparations For ISIL Attacks on Iran

Iranian Flag Photo by sina drakhshani on Unsplash

In 2017 four (for lack of a better word) terrorists attacked Iran’s Parlament Building in Tehran, killing thirteen. A court in Iran has blamed this on ISIL, and America for ISIL’s involvement, including George Bush, CENTCOM (Tommy Franks), the CIA, and Barack Obama.

The building of the Iranian parliament and the mausoleum of the founder of Iran’s current establishment, Ruhollah Khomeini, were targeted during the daylight assault that killed 17 people in total.

The court ruled $9.95m needs to be paid to compensate for financial damages while $104m and $199m are for moral and punitive damages, respectively, with the total nearing $313m.




As to why the US is being blamed for the attacks, the website cited comments by American officials about the “fundamental” role played by the US in “organising and guiding terrorist groups,” news and information published by US media, and books and speeches by US officials discussing “the CIA’s role in creating terrorist groups,” including ISIL.

The judiciary also acknowledged the ruling comes as a response to numerous orders by US courts over the years that have blamed Iran for “terrorist” assaults, and ordered compensation paid from seized Iranian assets.


Iran blames the crisis of ISIS and ISIL on Bush, Obama, and the CIA, but none of those named has any known assets in the country, so Iran has no means by which to collect the compensation.

I beg to differ.

The Bamster Air dropped pallets of cash, which John Kerry admitted would end up in the hands of groups deemed terrorists. Under Obama, sanctions were eased or lifted, and we got the Iran Deal™, allowing legal import and exchange of much-needed goods and services.  There were lots of backdoor meetings peddled as diplomacy that was meant to shift power toward Persia. Democrats were even talking about going to the mattresses for Iran when Trump had Soleimani taken out.

Did you notice that Iran didn’t name Trump in any of this, even though the attack was in 2017?

Trump more or less took ISIS out, but he did not do Iran any favors. He restored sanctions and applied pressure such that, once Biden stumbled into the Oval Office, Iran demanded reparations for the hurt Trump put on the nation.

And so we have a pattern. Iran is a terror state whose people need to be freed, but Democrats appear comfortable with the totalitarians currently running the place (and the systemic abuse of women and LGBT folks).

Reparations that make no sense are in the air. Who knows, maybe Biden will toss them another taxpayer-funded bone. Or, he could ask his buddies in the Taliban to give them some of that military equipment he left next door in Afghanistan..

