“During the Obama years, professional progressives could afford a certain smug magnanimity, confident that demographic change had bequeathed a permanent lock on power. It was smarter to nudge the great unwashed toward what was decided than boil the frog too quickly.
So the populist reaction of 2016 struck many as profound betrayal: perpetrators had to be punished, examples made, and push brought to shove. What began as institutional resistance amid the Trump interregnum has become actively vengeful governance under the Biden regime—a policy agenda nonsensical as to most of its official objectives but coldly strategic as retribution against structural opposition, not just punishing saboteurs but putting subjects in their place.
Whether wrecking American energy to wreak far worse environmental damage elsewhere, printing enough funny money to substantially devalue the dollar, insisting on demonstrably harmful Covid mandates, or ushering in millions and millions of unvetted migrants, it amounts to a sort of shock treatment to corral and humiliate an unruly electorate that has been found wanting.
Yet the crass opportunism only guarantees greater backlash and further delegitimizes the actual progressive project, or whatever’s left of it. Generations of hard work and good faith have been squandered in just a few short years, trading credibility and potential for spiteful self-indulgence.”
-The Ivy Exile (Vulgar Display of Power) [Emphasis mine]
Found it on Instapundit, which adds:
Well, that’s the epitaph for our ruling class: “Trading credibility and potential for spiteful self-indulgence.” At least I hope it’s their epitaph.
For decades, the Left has convinced itself that America is broken, bad, and needs to be transformed and rebuilt in their image. To do so, they have to break those of us that actively disagree and work against them.
Well, no, that last bit is wrong. As we saw with the Floyd rages/riots and with the DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality) crew’s anthem of “If you’re not an anti-rascist, you ARE A RACIST!” and must be punished, so the Progressives are telling us and showing us that they ARE and WILL CONTINUE to punish us.
They DO believe that we are mere serfs and not able to reason and decide for ourselves. With that in mind and over the years, their “entitlement to Power” is ruining the American Experiment, American Exceptionalism, and the RADICAL American Idea that we, each Individual is Sovereign.
Instead, the Democrats/Progressives are trying to turn back the clock to a time when were were mere subjects (at best), serfs (middling), and slaves (at worst).
They believe that they ARE our new Royal Aristocracy and expect us to behave according to their New World Order.
So, whattyagonnadoaboutit??