Energy Propaganda v. Energy Reality and the EPAs War on Mobility

by Skip

What the Greenies and their supporters in the mainstream media want you to see – and believe:

Solar-wind-adoption rate Poweline

Are they lying?  No, generally not. What they AREN’T including is what gives away the grift – Context:


Total Energy Consumption vs RE Generation Powerline


And all that RE shortfall is pretty much made up of lots of natural gas, coal, and nukes.

Yet, we already know that our electrical grid is on shaky ground. Just look what happened to California last summer with the wildfires – lots of blackouts and brownouts to the point where Gov. Newsom declared that owners of EVs (Electric Vehicles) shouldn’t be recharging their cars to prevent the grid from failing altogether. There was just not enough juice to go around.

NH has had enough to to face that problem – but just barely. And now, even with these known issues, the Biden Energy Totalitarians who only believe that top chart (wink, wink) are now going to make electricity even MORE expensive and harder to get and use. And they will do so because Congress gave away its Legislative Powers to the Executive Branch by allowing the latter to create “Rules”:

Biden admin preparing major crackdown on power plants that fuel nation’s grid
Expected power plant rule is ‘latest in President Biden’s anti-fossil fuels agenda

The Biden administration is reportedly finalizing a proposal that would force fossil fuel-fired power plants to substantially curb emissions or utilize costly carbon capture technology.

The proposal — which will soon be released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — is expected to require coal- and natural gas-fired power plants to cut or capture the vast majority of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040, The New York Times reported on Saturday, citing officials briefed on a draft of the plan. The regulation, if finalized, would represent the first-ever federal action curbing power plant emissions.

…Overall, there are 3,393 fossil fuel-fired power plants nationwide, the majority of which are natural gas plants, according to the most recent federal data. Those plants generate more than 60% of the nation’s electricity, compared to the roughly 14% of electricity generated by wind and solar projects.

A 52% total emission drop by 2030 (in seven years??) and 100% by 2035?  This is a forced suicide pact.

So just like the Obama Administration forced coal plants to shut down (along with cheaper and more efficient nat gas generation), Biden is going to force a lot of our current generation capacity down because of how expensive upgrades will be. They won’t OFFICIALLY shut them down, just regulate them out of existence.

You see, the Executive Branch has become so powerful that it can ignore Congress and practice Economic Fascism – you don’t have to own the means of Production in order to control it. In this, they are no different than the Italian Mussolini, German Hitler, or Soviet Administrations (and no, I am not breaking Godwin’s Law).

The issue is that even while Biden is screaming, “ELECTRIFY EVERYTHING,” they know that this last bit is going to keep that from happening. We, peons, will just have to do with nothing.  It’s part of their WEF (World Economic Forum) compatible process.

So, the Feds own the healthcare industry (Medicare, Medicaid, Tri-Care, Indian healthcare), they are taking control of the electrical generation market (buh-BYE!) and doing the same via regulation, the transportation system.  YOUR transportation – your personal vehicle. And they have decided who will have a car and who will not just on price AND by skewing numbers that auto manufacturers can make (don’t sell enough EVs, you can’t make that up by selling gas cars).

It comes down to this: “We will own nothing and be happy.”

  1. EPA has rigged the emissions regulations to snuff out gas cars completely AND accelerating that strangulation of our choice and the free marketplace. It’s what Socialist Totalitarians do – remove choice. Make EVs or go out of business. And its adoption of Evironmental Religion is their “cover” – we don’t matter.
  2. EVs cost a LOT more than gas cars. With China locking up the raw materials all over the world (like lithium), they will stay a premium item.
  3. Biden is mandating production quotas: 67% EVs by 2032 (right now is only 6%). And if all of the gas cars that are “allowed” to be sold are sold out, you’re out of luck for a “cheap” car.
  4. Supply chains can’t ramp up for this (see #2)
  5. Not enough chargers means you get “bricked.”

Some links:

“Whatever their reason for caving in to White House demands,” we observed at the time, “the fact is that carmakers have just handed over their businesses lock, wheel, and engine to the dictates of government bureaucrats and global warming enthusiasts.”…We also predict that none of these automakers will have the stones to argue that this entire socialistic campaign is horribly misguided. That it is a vast overreach of government power. That it is an affront to our basic liberties. That it will cost consumers a fortune. That it will be massively disruptive. And that, even if the EPA gets its way, it will achieve nothing climate-wise.

The rules, you see, are for people like you and me; people who don’t have the means to spend a fortune working around the system imposed on us.

Rules – not legislation dutifully passed by our elected Representatives.  Mere bureaucrats on an electrified power trip that throws us under their bus.

[The math on this is amusing too, especially on oil savings. We currently use 20 million barrels of oil a day. That would amount to a savings of 1,000 days’ worth of oil in a 25-year period. That’s a savings of roughly 11% of expected use, which is not *insignificant* but is hardly a blockbuster or a sign of complete independence from foreign sources either. One has to imagine that we could achieve the same outcome by just innovating and improving on internal-combustion engineering. — Ed]

More to the point, while it’s entirely inappropriate for the government to make such mandates, it also may hinder future progress on E.V. technology.

It’s all about the power. They — and I mean Democrats — want to shove it down our throats. That’s what makes it all worthwhile to them. Every day we move closer to the announcement that from now on underwear must be worn on the outside. Silence! It’s all about the climate…

The Administrative State is moving faster to cement its totalitarian rule over the United States of America than we can to keep pace.

They are doing this because they realize the majority of our people oppose their wishes, but if they are able to impose them by fiat before that opposition forms and reacts, most people will eventually go along. Unfortunately, it’s human nature for many.

(H/T: Powerline)

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