Orwell 1984 Two Minutes Mask Hate

Dartmouth Health’s Bird-Brained Bird Flu Mask Guidance

You could put every ‘confirmed’ case of Bird Flu in the United States (in humans) on a Greyhound Bus. Fewer than 70 cases (68) out of a population of 340 million (ish). That’s 0.00002%. You’re more likely to get struck by lightning (1 in 15,300). And that’s just catching it. There have been no fatal … Read more

Ian Huyett

NH Conservatives Have a Personnel Problem

In January, news broke that Shannon Buttermore—a Gilford mother of three—had been denied a kidney transplant by Dartmouth Hitchcock because she refused a COVID vaccine shot. Dartmouth’s actions were an open violation of New Hampshire’s 2022 “Patients Bill of Rights,” which prohibits the denial of medical care on the basis of vaccination status. Although Buttermore had … Read more

Experts: Child Transing Doesn’t Reduce Suicide

The US medical industry got a wakeup call about its affirmative-care model of medically transitioning children. In a July 14 letter to the Wall Street Journal, 21 clinicians and researchers from nine countries, including Finland’s leading expert, Riittakerttu Kaltiala, challenged Endocrine Society President Stephen Hammes’ recent claim that more than 2,000 studies clearly demonstrate that the euphemistically-called gender-affirming care for children improves well-being and reduces suicide. 

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