Is there a Chinese Spy State Inside our Schools?

The Hill has an Op-Ed advising all universities and colleges in the US to close Confucius Institutes. In light of the current concern over China’s activities in the US, the University of New Hampshire’s partnership with the Confucius Institute is worthy of another review.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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And so is the University of New Hampshire’s influence on New Hampshire’s policies on sexual assault and domestic violence investigations and prosecutions. Are they influenced by the university’s relationship with China, where due process and free speech are denied?

Consider that in 2009 Amy Gutmann of UPenn visited President Xi in China to discuss ways in which to build between China and America.

Consider payments to UPenn for Joe Biden’s Think Tank.

Consider the Department of Justice’s payments to the University of New Hampshire from February 2009 onwards for “Know Your Power” and “Bystander” training and consider that these led not only to unfair criminal trials, undue influence, denial of due process but also the debacle outlined in Mr. Weber’s Confession” at Phillips Exeter Academy — the framing of a retired teacher for a sexual assault crime his “victim” states he didn’t commit.

The framing of Mr. Weber was directly a result of the Memorandum Of Understanding between Exeter Police/HAVEN (NHCADSV) and the school. That MOU was hailed by Amanda Grady Sexton of the NHCADSV at the time in Seacoast Online. But, as censorship goes, the article quoting her was removed after “Mr. Weber’s Confession” was published.

Howard Altschiller of Seacoast Online no doubt had something to do with conveniently removing it for his wife, Debra Altschiller’s (HAVEN) benefit — to avoid scrutiny of a failure of a program. Altschiller and the NHCADSV had lobbied Attorney General Gordon MacDonald for a Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School, which yielded no prosecutions, a secret report, and a contract that ended up with six-monthly reports from a police/compliance officer.

We have to ask whose interests are any of these serving — a spy foreign governments or the “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire. If the former, then who is influencing it? Soft-peddled influence via the UNH Confucius partnership is the only explanation for the amount of infiltration, control, and censorship we see from these groups.

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