Sex Toys for Justice!

by Auntie Vaquser

There was a time when expressing your sexuality in a public space was inappropriate. The new rule is to lay it out there and demand others acknowledge it.

Silence is sexual violence, they might say.

You will be made to care and to express that care or be labeled a bigot. At the same time, there aren’t enough safe spaces to talk about sex. Do you mean like the Public Library, the grammar school, the online reading app with material an adult would be arrested for saying out loud to a child or in public, or everything, every day, everywhere? Those safe spaces!

The only unsafe place, as far as I can tell, is the room where the priests and altar boys “get dressed” for service.


Hosted by the University of Vermont Program Board on Dec. 2, the event was described on Instagram as a night of “sexperts, sex toy prizes, condom giveaways, and more.”

“We all need a safe place to talk about sex (and play some sex toy BINGO :). You know you want to come!,” the description states.


Double entendre, anyone?

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t care what college students waste their money on (they are technically adults), but apparently, this was paid for with other college kids’ money.


University of Vermont student Jacob Brocklin told YAF he’s “uncomfortable with my tuition dollars going toward something like this.”

“The Program Board’s mission statement says that they will hold events committed to ‘social justice.’ I don’t understand how giving out sex toys is accomplishing some form of justice,” Brocklin said.

The University of Vermont Program Board also hosted an event titled En-Sex-Clopedia on April 18, which was described as “a safe place to talk about sex,” and included sex bingo.


Jacob misunderstands either Vermont or “college.” A university used to be the place where you could challenge established thinking. These days they define what you should think and what words you should use to express those thoughts. It is less about learning and more about training. There are even words and thoughts you should not use or have.

Oh, and they are all about money.

Colleges have been sieves for Democrat campaign funds for many years and, in recent decades, THE Democrat party education camp of choice. But that’s evolved. Forward, and all that. The re-education begins in grammar school, so UV and its like are more of the progressive finishing school. And whatever happens, don’t be grateful. You were entitled to that useless degree in social justice, something or other.

And since you will likely emerge a toxic intolerable shrew (with or without a penis), sex toys are likely an essential part of your social justice future. As is legal drug use, and at least one house cat.



HT | Fox


  • Auntie Vaquser

    I was a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. Then I was a Browncoat fighting the tyranny of the Covidists and their Public Health Tyranny Alliance (Among other things). Now I'm just Auntie Vaquser.

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