When Democrats talk about women’s health, they mean sex parts, the uterus, and little else. And even in that context, “heath” means reproduction, which mostly means abortions—but choice means you can choose to have an abortion or a baby, and anyone who takes that choice away is an extremist.
Related: Heavy Menstrual Bleeding After the COVID Vaccine – Guess Who Has a Drug To “Treat” That?
So, what do you call a political party that demands women put an emergency-use pharmaceutical in their body and threatens their job, business, freedom, or lifestyle should they refuse?
A Democrat! And Vermont (which is full of them) may have a huge problem. There is growing evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines can directly and adversely affect a woman’s “reproductive freedom.”
Related: If mRNA Vaccines Aren’t a Threat to Human Fertility, Then Why …
From Steve Kirsch
This is one of the slides in a recent presentation I made at the FLCCC conference showing VAERS symptoms that are elevated for the COVID vaccines vs. other vaccines. The slide shows the top 37 VAERS symptoms that are most elevated by the COVID vaccines. As you can see from all the arrows, the COVID vaccines are a disaster in terms of interfering with a woman’s reproductive health.
Related: Similarities Between Horse Sterilization Drug And COVID mRNA Vaccines
Wait, there’s more!
A large study found that women of childbearing age who got the Covid vaccine are at heightened risk of 14 different conditions including having a miscarriage, fertility issues, fetal cardiac arrest, and menstrual abnormality.
Isreal, another nation that over-vaccinated its population, understood and has since tried to hide the threat and the damage.
Watch this short leaked video that the public was never supposed to see. This is from a meeting between the Israeli Ministry of Health and the scientific team they tasked with looking at the safety data.
The FDA, CDC, Doctors, hospitals, and Clinics failed to provide complete information so that those lined up to get an experimental drug could adequately exercise their right to informed consent. A violation of numerous local, national, and international laws. But it also undermines the Left’s claim that they are the defenders of a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have a baby.
And as bad as that is, states like Vermont have another problem. Our neighbors to the Left have enshrined “reproductive freedom” in their State Constitution. Any woman who is henceforth made to take the COVID vaccine or booster to attend a school or keep a job and experiences menstrual hemorrhaging miscarries, or has some other detrimental side-effect (or can no longer choose to have children), has been denied their constitutional right to reproductive freedom.
Find a good lawyer and sue. There’s probably a case to be made that a State can’t offer immunity from prosecution when that immunity violates a constitutional right. Just remember that the implicated EUA injection will have to have occurred after the Amendment went into force or the product was authorized by the FDA.
For everyone else, feel free to take the nearest Democrat to the woodshed (rhetorically) until they stop insisting women give up their reproductive freedom to appease the Let’s vaccine extremism. Or because they refuse to stop scaring them into doing it.
HT | Steve Kirsch