Promoted from the Comments - Time for War? Where is the Outrage? - Granite Grok

Promoted from the Comments – Time for War? Where is the Outrage?

Vote, ballot, ballot box

We’re still close to the elections just held and many of the grassroots Conservatives and Republicans are still seething from the perception of poor results. From my perspective, there are certain points to be made.

Further, with failed NH State Senate candidate Levesque (D-Nashua) now pivoting to run for NH Secretary of State against the incumbent, Scanlon (who has only been the head honcho for 10 months) under the banner of “we need new leadership” (and promising just LOVELY ideas of no longer needing ID to vote + the regular host of Progressive tactics along with that), who knows what would happen. Reformatted, emphasis mine:

So commenter Hunter caught my eye as I’m back to assuming hard-core moderating.  Here’s the setup from Steve’s post “Election Denying Democrats Drop Appeal To Overturn Recount“:

Yeah, it wouldn’t do at all for MORE people to realize that the Democrats are hypocrites representing “a criminal conspiracy masquerading as a political party.” The results in Florida reinforce my long-standing suspicion that if American elections were truly free of corruption, the Democrats would cease to exist as a political force. Guess I’ll have to move to Florida if I ever want to see fair elections, it’s certainly not going to happen in the Granite State any time soon.

Yeah, given the slimmest of margins that the Rs will hold in the Legislature, who do the electing of the SecState, if RINOs consort with the Ds, Levesque could be the next person overseeing all elections.  Given how George Soros loves him Progressive Secretaries of State that hold such views, she’s prime for gaining some of his green bucks for lobbying the legislature.


I wish it weren’t true, I really LIKE New Hampshire, and thought it was about the only bright spot in New England. But when even long time political commentators and activists I’ve looked up to for years are throwing up their hands and conceding defeat, it’s time to seriously consider getting the hell out.

I added a comment to try to bolster his spirits:

I’ve looked up to for years are throwing up their hands and conceding defeat

Not US, Hunter. Trust me on that.

Besides, it’s fun to be obstinate curmudgeons!

And the payload comment:

Eh, one of the immediately post election opinion pieces by one of your long-time writers I’ve followed with great interest since before GraniteGrok happened was really discouraging, not that I hadn’t figured that out all by my own self. No sense calling out one of you in particular, especially since I’ve avidly followed pretty near ALL your contributors as long as I’ve known about them. Besides, nothing to critique; I don’t at all disagree with that prognosis that the situation is pretty grim. Been writing similar screeds myself going back decades.

I escaped to New Hampshire from behind the New Iron Curtain down on our southern border specifically to get away from this tyrannical BS back before the turn of the millennia. Ups and downs of election cycles I’m used to, but events in the past decade or so look suspiciously like “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism”. Never thought I’d see this sorta thing in the Granite State of all places.

Damn kids anyway, get the hell off my lawn. I’m completely with you on being “obstinate curmudgeons”. But, damnit, we’re losing the war. On something so fundamental and provable as ELECTION FRAUD, for crying out loud. This is the second election where there’s massive evidence of wide scale fraud – IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, where for GENERATIONS we’ve prided ourselves on clean elections. It’s not like we haven’t seen signs of this building for many cycles before. And most of the establishment Republicans have their head firmly up… er, buried firmly in the sand. When, of course, they are not up to their eyeballs in the corruption themselves.

I’m sick and tired of the “corruption deniers” among us. On another thread I suggested we need to bring back tar and feathers and running gutless weasels outta town on a rail. Or maybe take a lesson from the 1946 “Battle of Athens”. Bring back blanket parties. Get in their faces like people did/are in Canada, Brazil, and CHINA, for crying out loud. Something… ANYTHING. What the hell are we waiting for? Neil Oliver has been pointing the way for months if not years, and he’s hardly the only one. Some of us ‘obstinate curmudgeons’ have been writing and agitating on this topic since some of our recent candidates who had their races stolen from them were climbing their mother’s drapes. Yet here we are, lamenting ANOTHER widespread series of stolen elections.

We have GOT to do something besides just sit around and wait for the ANTIFA thugs to burn us out or other regime goons to start herding people into camps, which is EXACTLY where the arc of current events is headed. Turning the other cheek begins to get a little old when the other guy beats BOTH to a pulp then starts eating your face, all the while calling us names and telling wretched lies. At the very least we need to SERIOUSLY start ostracizing anyone who keeps spouting happy talk and denying what’s right in front of our eyes. I’ve got a zero-tolerance policy for quislings, collaborators, and by now even the willfully clueless. See above endorsement of the ‘obstinate curmudgeon’ meme.

All our other safeguards and carefully designed checks and balances have been subverted. Elections are a sick joke at this point, the courts come up with any and every excuse they can to avoid applying the law as written, other than a handful of outlets like GraniteGrok media are nothing but cheerleaders and mouthpieces for “the Men Who Would be Kings”. That’s the soapbox, the ballot box, and the jury box to all appearances largely neutralized. Doesn’t leave a lot of options left in our toolbox, huh? <shrug>

Yeah, there’s signs of ongoing resistance here and there, But overall the picture is pretty grim, and shows not a lot of sign of getting better any time soon. Leastways up here in the Granite State, and sure as hell not on a national level. <sigh> I’m not bailing right yet, but for the first time in right at 25 years up here seriously exploring an exit strategy. Would much rather stand and fight – but that’s simply not happening at the moment here in New Hampshire, and there ARE other parts of the country where it IS. I wasn’t yet tired of winning, and would like to get back to it.

He’s right.  But here’s my question to ANYONE in that same rut: How active were you in candidate races leading up to November? There a spectrum of folks running from “not even voting” to “going 24/7 for months for several months doing anything that no one else would do to get their candidate over the finish line“.

Most of you aren’t at either end of that spectrum (well, maybe a few more to the latter than the former, given that a normal Bell curve doesn’t apply to most of us). But can you do more? Can you help coax more people to even get started away from that “do nothing” attitude?

If you are looking for ideas, trust me, we/I have plenty of ideas that can incrementally help our side (all you have to do is ask – and yes, that’s a HINT, folks).  And no, it’s not too early to get started now. After all, I know that one Democrat PAC that is already working on getting results in two years.

You willing to put in the effort to throw a set of steel bars across their railroad tracks?  Gotta start now, folks!

Activism – it should be what’s for YOUR dinner!
