What’s the Over/ Under That Citizens for Belknap Will Endorse Democrat Lisa Dimartino over a “Reasonable, Responsible Republican”?


The CfB already knocked out the most conservative Republicans in the Primary over most of Belknap County. It is clear that those it missed and survived their Primaries (as in Alton Barnstead – Paul Terry, Barbara Comtois, Peter Vadney) will be targeted again.

CfB is a Democrat-started, funded, and run Political Action Committee (even if the renegade Republican Brian Gallagher has shifted sides and is their Treasurer – you know, the guy that stayed on the Gunstock Area Commission even after he became ineligible – else, why did former Commissioner Gary Kiediasch spend a fair amount of Gunstock Area Resort (re: taxpayer money) on lawyers fees trying to keep him on the GAC?), it exists NOT to have “Reasonable, Responsible Representation” from a Republican standpoint…only Democrats can be reasonable and responsible when it comes to the endpoint – November 8th. Call it a “Revenge PAC” -how DARE those Conservative Republicans on the GAC and Delegation asking intrusive and uncomfortable questions of us – as they should.  WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS!”.

Remember, it’s from a Democrat standpoint and they’ve taken a year-long campaign to do it.  This has been the end goal all along and we’ve Republicans, scared of not being re-elected, either all in on the deal or willing to “ride the strong horse” set up by the CfB months-long Public Relations smear.  I do need to do a fuller post on this but let me get to the point.

Here in Gilford, the Citizens for Belknap successfully knocked out Norm Silber and Glen Aldrich both of whom had excellent House Republican Alliance and NH Liberty Alliance scores meaning true fidelity to Republican values of the NH GOP Platform and the US and NH Constitutions (which this Democrat PAC called “Extremist” – we know that Democrats hate those and thus labeled them “extremists” just like Biden and other top Democrats have been doing for well over a year in shaping the political battlespace. They even canned Gregg Hough who, even being a Republican, did their bidding. I guess his time of being “useful” was over.

I have noticed, in my town, that the remaining CfB signs still standing (many have been taken down, given their purpose of knocking off Republicans is over) are surrounded NOT by the Democrat endorsed Republicans (except for Tim Lang running for NH State Senate) but by Democrats. ALL of them running in Gilford.

Like Lisa DiMartino’s signs. I’ve posted about her earlier. Years ago, how she threatened, at a School District Deliberative Session that if the Town folks didn’t give higher raises, she used her disabled child as a political pawn and declared that she’d want the District to send him to a place similar to Crotchet Mtn for care costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. In layman terms, that is called extortion.

More recently, I posted about her voting record in the NH House (“Gilford Democrat Lisa Dimartino Is Campaigning as a Moderate but She’s Really Not“). This was sent in by a loyal reader and if she gets in, this may well be the result:

Lisa DiMartino burning house

So here’s the question: which of the remaining Gilford Republicans that the CfB “supported”, are now going to get it in the neck when their next “Scorecard” comes out?  Certainly they are not going to stay with the four Republicans they endorsed (upper left hand corner):

CoB RINO Report
Citizens for Belknap RINO Report

To make way for DiMartino or the other three running Democrats, will it be incumbents Russ Dumais or Harry Bean (who, in breaking the RSA 91A and RSA 24:9-d laws in calling for the Aug 1st illegal Belknap County Delegation meeting) who get knocked off? Or first timers David Nagel or Richard Beaudoin?

I’m betting that DiMartino is going to be “endorsed” over either the latter two as their usefulness will be completed.  I’m also betting that Dumais will be shoved aside as well just because NOT DEMOCRAT!

Harry Bean’s position is harder to figure – he’s still “useful” as the CfB and allied Republicans forced Mike Sylvia out of the Chair and he has a LOT of family in Gilford to vote for him. The question becomes which Democrat becomes the odd man out because Bean has become co-opted (or captured, if you wish).  Doubt me?

Which Conservative do you know is really going to say they are going to work with hard Left Democrats, like DiMartino, when the respective principles of each Party are totally orthogonal to each other?  He wrote:

I would like to take a second to thank everybody who voted in the primary Sept. 13, especially those who put their confidence in me, and to remind you to vote at the general election on Nov. 8. It is very important to all of us to get out and vote. I believe that if the Republicans, independents and Democrats work together, we should be capable of coming to a compromise on most issues. Communication is a must.

Rep. Harry H. Bean

He knows what the Democrat voting record is in the NH House so this gives me cause for great concern? Tell me Harry, have you even thought that out?  Tell us how you would compromise on the income tax that ALL Democrats want to put into place here in NH?  What’s the compromise on the Second Amendment where the Democrats want to put stringent restrictions on citizens bordering on complete civilian disarmement (think David Meuse) – how many of your firearms are you willing to compromise on?  How about Parental Rights – both Democrat Congresstwits Kuster and Pappas just voted down legislation, sponsored by Republicans, that would put Parents TOTALLY back into control of the education and health concerns of their children. Do you agree that children, when in schools, are now the property of the State?  Democrats do, Harry.

And of course, all of the Tim Lang gang (Tim Lang, Mike Bordes, Travis O’Hara, Doug Trottier) took Union money filtered through the Common Sense PAC (Brodie DeShaies, chair and treasurer) – what is the compromise, Harry, where Republicans want anyone to have the freedom to work where ever they want (Right To Work) and Democrats want to continue to lock people out of those jobs via Union demanded “closed shops” (and vote against Right To Work, like the Lang Gang)?

Abortion, Harry?  Republicans just start the first steps of saving the lives of unborn children – not a single Democrat voted for that. They insist on abortion right up until birth – and some even afterwards (remember Democrat Virginia Governor Northam advocating for what is infanticide – “just walk away from the baby” – and there are some here in NH that would agree.

How about charter schools? Republicans are about freedom for education instead of stuck in a given zip code. Tell us, Harry, what is the compromise where ONLY Public Schools are possible with Democrats.

I could go on for issue after issue – what you NEED to tell us how, in concrete terms, how your “compromise” would be achieved in this “political chasm” environment.

You’ve helped the CfB in their aims, knowingly or unknowingly.  They call me an Extremist for simply holding Republican positions. You’ve known me for YEARS, Harry, and you know I have the same principles that I did when we met on the Gilford Budget Committee – its called being Consistent.  Do you consider me to be an Extremist now?  You certainly didn’t when we served together. In fact, you were quite complementary – do you remember what you said back then?

No, Harry, either what you wrote was election pandering or you have no clue (even having spent multiple sessions in the NH House so I know it isn’t the latter). But this is why they MAY endorse you – but I won’t be surprised if you get the shaft in that next “voters guide”.

So, to square the circle – I will be very surprised if DiMartino isn’t endorsed. I won’t be surprised if they give all four of the Republicans running in my District the heave ho.

And you’ll have no one to blame but yourselves


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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