Well, This Will Be Interesting to Watch: NH Speaker of the House Race

by Skip

Landrigan’s State House Dome (reformatted, emphasis his AND mine):

AFTER THE VOTES are counted Nov. 8, there will be another election at the State House. The race for speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives is heating up.

…Many observers figured House Speaker and 18-term state Rep. Sherman Packard, R-Londonderry, would have a clear path to the nomination by the Republican caucus to keep hold of the gavel. This would be Packard’s first full term after replacing House Speaker Dick Hinch, who died from complications with COVID-19 soon after taking over in December 2020. Not so fast.

According to multiple sources in both parties, four-term Rep. Leonard Turcotte, R-Barrington, told associates he is exploring a GOP challenge to Packard…Legislative process disputes are one motivation behind Turcotte’s potential candidacy. Packard removed Turcotte from two conference committees because of his strongly held views, including a desire to do away with Gov. Chris Sununu’s voluntary paid family leave program.

This isn’t an ideological debate — Turcotte and Packard are both solid fiscal and social conservatives.

…If the race happens, install Packard as a clear favorite. It’s very difficult to unseat a sitting speaker.

To be competitive, Turcotte would have to hope this election delivers dozens of newly elected House members who aren’t beholden to the status quo.
Some close to the speaker hope a cease-fire will emerge, with Turcotte brought more into the leadership fold as an olive branch.

All of the above assumes that the Republicans keep the majority, naturally.

Hmmm…we’ll be watching.

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