The “Ingredients” That Make the Inflation Cake

Steve MacDonald

The media is doing what it can to hide the recession and food inflation. They talk about monthly numbers without noting how this cumulative price rise is crushing America, the left claims to champion. But will it have the opposite effect?

Related: Inflation Reduction Act Will Hurt America’s Middle Class

People go to the grocery store to buy food weekly, if not more often. If ends were barely meeting before, they can’t find each other now. Prices are not just higher. They are exponentially higher.

To help customers understand it, a bakery posted a list of prices for ingredients they use with their costs in January 2020, January 2022, and July 2022.



Many of these ingredients have more than doubled in price. These price differences paint an ugly picture of an economic mess Democrats are trying to hide. A kitchen table issue over which they are the cause and from which they are trying to run.

They use their majorities to spend (as they always do) trillions we do not have on partisan interests with no regard for the domestic consequence.

That whiteboard is a searchlight in the night shining right on those consequences, and the owner of that bakery might want to prepare for a visit from the FBI for acts of sedition, incitement, treason, insurrection, or plain old domestic terrorism.

That’s supposed to be a joke, but these days, not so much.


Related: Watch: What Inflation Really Looks Like.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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