One of the devils in those details of Democrat policy is that taxpayers get both edges of the sword. The policy-driven cost increase hits first (as you’ve seen for months now), followed by the inevitable rise in taxes because those same forces make government cost more.
Tax hikes, on top of your current pain, are inevitable.
The sky-high prices you pay for progressive meddling with electricity, water, and transportation don’t stop at the door of the town or city hall. Those bills go up too. Fueling emergency vehicles and keeping the bureaucracy running (offices heated, lights on, equipment operating) is more expensive. Add inflation. Everything your local, county, state, or federal government claims to need costs that much more. From office supplies to uniforms to everything, and Democrats never cut spending.
Faced with rising costs, Dems will NOT look for places to cut. Government always comes first. They will use increased costs as an excuse to jack up spending higher than the damage done by inflation or Democrat policy and then raise taxes that will never go down.
This cannot be understated.
If you vote for even one Democrat on November 8th, you will pay for it (literally). Your lifestyle, whatever may be left of it after nearly three years of Biden and DC Democrat tyranny, will decline further. You’ll have less, so they can have more.
They will raise property taxes to pay for increased costs in local spending. They will add new taxes at the state and federal levels to cover those cost increases. And with the IRS trying to add 87,000 new armed IRS agents (salaries, benefits, office space, expense accounts, travel), escaping the backswing becomes more difficult.
So, what do you do?
The smart fiscal decision on election day is to vote in your own self-interest and elect Republicans. While no one is perfect, they will at least look for ways to make things more efficient. They will find opportunities for cost-cutting, streamlining, and, where possible making it less expensive to do business which can raise revenue to help offset the burden placed on all of us by Democrat priorities.
Put more simply, the dems will make the government bigger and more intrusive, and your declining lifestyle that much more expensive. Republicans will try to get the government out of the way if possible, keeping costs down while giving you more control over your life and finances.
That’s how New Hampshire has survived and y5if we can elect Republican majorities we can even get a few things done despite the inclinations of our squishy RINO governor.
But to do that you have to vote Republican, and that means every seat. Any box, oval, or election you leave unmarked is an opportunity to allow the left come for whatever is left of your paycheck and your lifestyle.