Another NH School Vaccinates a Child After The Parent Told Them No!

Ann Marie Banfield

As I warned months ago, the CDC’s agenda of turning schools into medical and mental health clinics will become a big problem. Recently children in Nashua and Rochester were vaccinated despite their parents’ objections.

I heard from a parent in Rochester who said her kindergarten daughter was given the flu vaccine after she sent documentation instructing school officials and Keady Medical not to vaccinate her child.


Flu Vaccine consent form redacted

No consent for flu vaxx form redacted Pg 2

Here is an article from 2021 where:

Rochester’s Superintendent Kyle Repucci announced that Rochester Public Schools collaborated with the Rochester Fire Department, Strafford County Public Health Network and the University of New Hampshire to hold a series of clinics to offer COVID-19 vaccines to students in Rochester Schools.

In a school district that is struggling to teach children basic math, their Superintendent thought it was a good idea to start a medical clinic to vaccinate the children. Someone needs to tell Repucci to “STAY IN YOUR LANE!!!!!  Whether it is mental health or medical health, public schools have enough trouble with their mission of educating children. Adding more to their plate is foolish, and can be dangerous to your children.


School Street School Academic Achievement


The flu vaccine can cause mild to severe medical problems.  In this case, the parent was concerned about the vaccine being distributed to her daughter at school. Many parents would like to observe their child after a vaccine is injected.

The clinic was set up in the school library for kindergarten children who are about five years old. The vaccine is not supposed to be administered if a child is sick. Sometimes a young child cannot make that determination, but that didn’t matter to those in charge. In this case, the parent said her daughter was sick at the time of the forced injection.

Students from UNH came in and administer the vaccine under the supervision of a registered nurse. After this physical assault, the clinics were suspended, and the contract was canceled. So who will be accountable?

Let me guess, Kyle Repucci will take NO responsibility for this horrible decision. They never do.

What will the school board do? Look to the taxpayer-funded attorneys instead of representing the child and parent who are supposed to be represented by them?  You are elected by the people, not to make excuses for bad decisions by school administrators, but to hold them accountable.

Anyone with common sense would understand that turning schools into medical or mental health clinics,  could lead to bigger problems. This is not the mission of the school district, yet here we are.

The parent was told that the person administering the vaccine never looked at the paperwork to check to see if she had consented. The parent was also told that the closing nurse noticed the medical error, and then contacted her boss. After that, everyone was notified, even the governor. Why was the governor involved in this? Did this go through the Department of Health and Human Services? Where is the money coming from to turn schools into medical clinics? There are a lot of questions that need to be answered. What is the connection between Governor Sununu and the owner of Keady Medical?

The parent was asked how to avoid mistakes like these in the future. As I’ve said, this should never happen inside a school building–they have enough trouble teaching your kids how to read and write. Now they are in charge of administering vaccines to children without their parents being present, and against their will!  Who didn’t see this train wreck coming? I know I did.

The parent offered her advice on how to prepare the forms in the future but also believes that this should not be done in the school system. Parents can take their children into CVS or Walgreens if they want their children vaccinated. There is absolutely no reason to do this during school.

We can see from the actions of school officials, and the medical community in Pennsylvania, that they thought it was a good idea to give gynecological exams to girls in 6th grade without their parent’s knowledge or consent. Parents need to be in charge of their children’s medical decisions. Otherwise, you can expect more of these physical assaults on children.

My message to parents is this, get involved in your school. Speak to administrators and board members—tell them NO to this kind of medical treatment in our schools. Tell them to focus on academics. That’s why we send our children to school.



  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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