Yep, Steve’s right – we LOVE getting tips and links and memes. What we HATE is not having the time to use them all (you’d have new posts every two minutes IF we could do an entire post in a minute and a half).
But for me, I do get to them, sometimes much later than I want to admit to, but I go through them for background info because I’ll never know what that fact or set of factoids will come in handy someday (like my Saturday lunch meeting when I talked a bunch of stuff that I’ve never had the time to write about them but that you folks (plus all the material I’m reading all day long anyways).
Unlike Steve and the vast majority of the other Groksters, I am retired. Which should mean that I have “plenty” of time (or so one would think). The problem with that is there is so much out there that, as a blogger, I’m getting pulled into (yes, you know who you are – heh!).
I’m also spending a lot more time, being an introvert, on the phone coordinating with different groups that by the end of the day, I look back and go, “what did I get accomplished?” I was a software engineer/consultant – that “accomplish” was something I could point to and tell myself “there and that and…”. I’m not much of a “people networker” because of that heads down, bang it out, make it work, and go “there, NEXT!”; telling myself EVEN AS THE CALLS ARE IMPORTANT, “oh, 10 calls today, that’s what I got done” just gets a bit cross-wired for me as it has never been me in my past. But I’m learning how to adapt. But TIME!
Sidenote: with that little micro-rant aside, I’m loving what retirement allows me to do with this political activism and blogging about it. Just a rhetorical question – how can I clone myself a dozen times over???
And I’m doing more research for stuff and “going to yet another meeting,” so my posting frequency is like waves – tops (blogging a lot) and then descending into and climbing back out of the troughs (little to no posting for a day or two until Steve (gently) reminds me “Hey, you still have a keyboard in front of you that works, right?”.
And it is getting worse but some good things are happening that I can announce in a little while.
But like Steve said, PLEASE keep sending them in. Neither he nor I am ignoring them – we do notice. And appreciate the help you folks offer – I have some other things that would help to have “many hands”!