A Few Words on All the Tips, Leads, Links, and Incoming Content We Get from Readers Every Day... - Granite Grok

A Few Words on All the Tips, Leads, Links, and Incoming Content We Get from Readers Every Day…

Lemons Lemonade Will Santino 2020-2021 visit https://www.willsantino.com/contact2

It’s no secret that we get a lot of emails—tons of links, pics, content, memes, video, suggestions, and ideas. Keep it coming. We appreciate the help. You are not just crowding sourcing the internet for us. It suggests topics on which you’d like our thoughts. So, about that.

I want to thank you but remind you that there is a fraction of it to which we can get and, in part, find the time and interest to develop.

As most of you know, I work a full-time job and am a full-time husband, father, dog owner, and homeowner. Blogging is not my job, though I’d love it if it were. As such, I feel compelled to remind folks that not everything pressing or time-sensitive, or even important to me, will get from you to these pages.

A recent example is BLM doxxing a high school kid and their family. It’s a great story that exposes the extremism, intolerance, and hypocrisy of the political left. I just couldn’t get any wind under its wings despite the help of our unofficial “research assistants.” You guys.

Some stories just don’t give me that spark when I first see them, while others light up and seem to write themselves in short order. I pondered the Pappas Ad with the Russian family in it but was going to let it slide when I opened an email where someone suggested that we should write about it. At that moment, the headline came to me, along with how I’d present it. I published it 20 minutes later.

Related: Chris Pappas Can See a Russian Family Having Dinner From His Front Porch

That’s how I work. Sometimes I get a tip or a link, and it sits for days before I see how I’d write it, and then I do. And, more often than I’d like, I get good stuff and just never get to it.

It’s not personal. It’s just how this process goes for me. Your excellent lead or link or story idea is not less of any of those things because I can’t get into it at the time. And I have been known to forward them to other Groksters to see if it sparks their interest.

All the memes and graphics you send (keep them coming as well) get forwarded to Nitzakhon for consideration in the Monday Meme and both Overflow posts. He does them better, so I’ll keep sending those his way.

As for other ways to get your thing on our pages, write an op-ed and send it to us. I know writing doesn’t come naturally to everyone and certainly not the way I do it, but your letter might be what gets one of us motivated to pursue a story or line of inquiry.

And we are working on another alternative that is an old feature on the  ‘Grok. We used to have a section reserved to post links to content “for which we did not have time.” It languished, often un-updated for days, so we yanked it. Earlier this year, I asked to get it back, but the original feature disappeared off the back end. It will need to be rebuilt. Our webmistress has not had the time (she is backed up with other customers), but we want it back.

When it arrives, we can deposit some of the many links you send us there, so keep them coming.

And thank you. We appreciate the continued time and effort each of you takes to share things with us you find exciting or news worthy. And as always, thanks for reading!


