School vaccine mandate map FEATURED IMAGE WITH TEXT

States Tell the CDC to Stuff Their Kiddie School Vaxx Mandate

Last week the CDC’s Committee on Rubber Stamping Whatever Big Pharma Wants (the acronym for that is ACIP for some reason) voted unanimously to add The Jab™ to the recommended children’s vaccines list. It is a curious move that got mixed reviews.

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NH Flag

Breaking: New Hampshire Will NOT Require Students to Get the COVID Vaccine to Attend School

The CDC’s advisory committee voted to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of recommended vaccines for children on Thursday. That is not just a bad idea. It is dangerous. But like all things COVID, states and schools might heed the suggestion to require kids to get this junk, just not in New Hampshire.

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Vial Syringe were coming for your babies

CDC Advisory Committee Considers Putting the COVID Vaccine on the Childhood Immunization Schedule to Protect Big Pharma Not Your Kids

Beginning at 8:30 Eastern Time this morning, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will meet for two days. One of the items on their Thursday agenda is adding the COVID-19 Jab to the childhood immunization schedule. Every kid would need to get the juice.

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Equity Medicine Protest fist with hypdermic2

The Virus Thus Became the Vehicle for Imposing Equity over Equality

Circle back to a year ago. The pandemic was raging and we all shared a desperate hope for the success of Operation Warp Speed. Every one of us faced a very personal threat from the raging virus from China. We looked to our leaders for guidance and assurance.

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