State Rep. Melissa Blasek Must be Doing it Right – The GOPe is Attacking Her with Negative Mail

If I had to come up with a short list of highly effective freshman Republican legislators in the New Hampshire House, Melissa Blasek would be not just on the list but high on the list. She’s been so effective a Bedford-based pro-Sununu PAC is attacking her.

Granite PAC sent a glossy mailer attacking Blasek. It accuses her of failing to live up to NH ideals. It claims she does not represent New Hampshire values. Why? She supported an effort to impeach Governor Sununu.

It says Melissa kicked freedom and Liberty to the curb.

That’s an interesting and ironic point of focus I think needs fisking.

Related: NH – No Justification for Emergency Powers That Last For More Than a Year

There were Republicans who kicked Freedom and Liberty to the curb. The constitutionally enumerated right to Free speech, assembly, religious rights, and association were each infringed. The prohibition on searches without warrants was abrogated.  Infringing on those rights is neither a New Hampshire nor a Republican value.

Republican Governor Chris Sununu kicked those and more to the curb, which was why Melissa Blasek supported an effort to impeach Gov. Sununu. It was Sununu who failed to live up to NH ideals. He was the threat. He abused emergency powers.


The Treasurer of Granite PAC is Alex Stanford. I could not find the registration for that PAC on the NH SoS website. That’s probably more my failing than the lack of details, and I expect the crowd will source that effectively for me (please). Alex Stanford has two campaign donation records I did find. One in 2020 and one in 2022, both for $250.00 to Chris Sununu.

Alex Stanford is the Sr. Vice President of New Wave Communications in Londonderry. The company is into Fiber Optics, but Alex is into more than that.


Skilled in Crisis Management, Public Affairs, Political Communication, Nonprofit Organizations, and Political Science. Strong professional with a BA – Cum Laude focused in Political Science from University of New Hampshire.


Alex was an intern for the NHGOP, a Regional Field Director for Sean Mahoney for Congress (RINO), Director of Operations for Executive Councilor Chris Sununu (RINO), Special Assistant to US Senator Kelly Ayotte (RINO), the Political Director of Friends for Kelly Ayotte, and those are the NH credits he shared.

In other words, Ale has been a full-time professional GOPe stooge who may be incapable of defending freedom or Liberty (or seeing it) when it interferes with swamp business.

That’s my opinion, you are entitled to your own, but the NH House Republican Alliance (NHHRA) measures legislators based on their Liberty and fidelity to the NH and US Constitutions. Actual bills actual rights.

Their scoring framework defines freedom and Liberty in New Hampshire. Melissa’s grade for 2022 was  100%. Her grade for 2021 was 100%.

Mr. Sununu was not graded but could not possibly compete.

According to the NHHRA, Melissa has been the best possible defender of the liberties and freedoms guaranteed by the Federal and US constitutions. She even defended them when under attack from our Governor, Chris Sununu.

Merrimack is lucky to have her, and so is New Hampshire.

But if you are looking for a Merrimack Rep to oust, you have choices. There is a nine-for-eight primary next Tuesday. Of the nine candidates running, six have NHHRA scores from 2022.


Jeanine Notter 100%
Melissa Blasek 100%
Maureen Mooney 86.4%
Bob Healy 84.8%
Mary Mayville 80.8%
Bill Boyd 69.8%


Maybe that matters to you and maybe not, but now you know, and it’s up to you to decide. But if you want my opinion, Melissa is doing more for NH than the Governor and most NH House reps, and she’s doing her “job” by standing up and challenging Sununu when he side-steps the State’s ideals and stomps on its values.

And…here is the mailer attacking Melissa while we wait on the donor list for Granite PAC, which informs those interested in giving that “State law requires us to report the name, address, occupation, and employer from individuals whose contribution exceed $100 in an election cycle.”


Attack Mailer M. Blasek (1)


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