Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow - Granite Grok

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

As predicted in the last Monday Memes, and in the Meme Overflow, I have an overflow-overflow.  Enjoy, and Happy Friday!

If you could, if you send a meme to someone, please say that you found it here (or whichever meme post is appropriate) and give the link.  In theory, it will get at least some to pop over and look.  The idea being is that they may peruse other memes which might then get through as Thought Splinters.  (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).  Part IV is actually open on my computer and I’m slowly trying to finish it.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




But first, please do consider visiting the Grok’s merch page.  Also, please help this bumper sticker of mine go viral:



I have no expectations this will sell by the megamillions… but it’d be nice if I could get something actually tangible.  Especially with the remodeling going on at the house.  Ugh.









I don’t know who this advice-guy Damon guy is… but apparently, to his credit, he responded with a definitive NO.  But what’s disturbing is that the thought crossed someone’s mind as a good thing to do.  Remember, the greatest evil deeds are done by people believing they’re doing good.

Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok







Blogger Aesop has this to say about that (bolding added):

If Palpatine and Jar Jar won, the Leftards should welcome honest audits and recounts, the better to take another victory lap, while rubbing the Right’s noses in the Left’s inevitable march to the throne room of power. People who’ve actually scored a touchdown don’t bitch about re-watching the video that proves it. It’s that simple.

You can run the tape back and forth, and if the feet are inbounds, and the ball is in control, it’s a touchdown time after time after time.

So when one team’s coaches, and half the fans in the stadium, boo and catcall the replay, and start agitating loudly to ignore it and just call the touchdown without looking at that pesky video replay, you know they didn’t score, and you know they know they didn’t score, so all their histrionics and hissyfits beforehand and afterwards is just them being pissed that they lost, refusing to admit it, even to themselves, and terror at having their noses rubbed in you seeing it with your own lying eyes, on a 50′ tall jumbotron, in front of millions of eyewitnesses.

They’ll be left losers, with egg on their faces, and be thwarted at achieving what they wanted so badly they could not only taste it, but were willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get.

Remember, to the Left, power is all they care about.








Very coincidentally, this article discusses the possibility of the Elites – the “neo-aristocrats” – deliberately engineering not just an economic crash, and population crash, but also a crash of societal trust in every institution.

The Great Reveal or the boy crying wolf? – Miri AF

Why?  To create the chaos from which they expect to create their Socialist paradise.








Pick of the post:


There are no words in Entish, Elvish, or the tongues of Men to capture my quasar-level hatred at this betrayal of our children.




Palate Cleanser:



