Manchester Schools: GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF HERE

With the recent ruling by the New Hampshire Supreme Court, parents were issued a warning shot: GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF HERE. That first came when the attorney for the school district told the New Hampshire Supreme Court Justices that parents can remove their children from the school if they don’t like it. In this … Read more

Shameless Manchester Democrats Now Lying About Fentanyl

Mexican cartels are the main producers (from precursors from China) and traffickers of fentanyl. That’s simply a fact. Even the Biden-Regime acknowledges that’s a fact. The Mexican cartels often hire Americans to smuggle fentanyl from Mexico to America. Yet here is Manchester Democrat (Woke-Communist) State Rep Damond Ford LYING by omission … leaving out the … Read more

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Who Is The Dictator

Barack Obama, having been ordered by George and Alex Soros, sent the memo to the leftist faithful through the mouth of David Axelrod (who looks like Hitler) to always call President Donald Trump a dictator. Any politically astute observer knows this is simply the most recent example of Demolitioncrat projection.

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Police car lights

Support Your Local Police And Keep them Independent

One of the key reasons American liberty stands today is because our founders designed a unique system of local control of law enforcement; where the loyalties of family and friends are a precious guardian of liberty. Being blessed to see 87 years gives perspective on how things have changed. One such perspective is the gradual process to move local control of police to federal control.

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The War on Children

In American society today, we are seeing a “War on our Children.”   This is an orchestrated attempt by “Big Tech” to gain control of our children’s minds and hearts, and they have been doing an excellent job so far. Smartphones are their weapon.

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‘Tis the (Election) Season

Politics in NH are interesting, as I’m sure anyone who is paying attention would agree. Hot topics, promises, and clever lies abound.

I’d be seriously slacking in my role as a Homeschool Advocate if I didn’t take the time to touch on the hot topic that has plagued our community for a number of years and become a front-and-center key platform push for politicians in our state.

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Mexican National Illegally Enters New Hampshire from Canada, Gets Arrested

According to a Homeland Security Investigations press release, two men were observed by Customs and Border Protection in Northern NH after illegally crossing into Pittsburg, New Hampshire, from Canada at the beginning of June 2024. One of those people was arrested by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) for child sexual abuse-related criminal allegations.

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Slavic Lives Don’t Matter To Alissandra Murray

Alissandra Murray … who appears more interested in representing Hamas than the people in Manchester she is supposed to represent … has turned down an invitation to the White House because “a genocide is still actively supported by it,” referring to Gaza.

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Soldiers helicopter

The Draft

Why are Republicans only concerned about drafting our daughters, apparently forgetting that 600,000 American men were slaughtered in the Civil War, 400,000 American men in WW2, and 100,000 American men in Korea and Vietnam?

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Manch Talk: Was Assange a Criminal and Threat to the World Order?

Carla recaps the history of the Assange prosecution, and Tammy fills us in about who is running in Manchester.

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NH-“Democrat” Leader Matty Wilhelm Is A Really Creepy LIAR

I am going to show you a screenshot from Woke-Communist Matty Wilhelm in which he claims an amendment to the NH Constitution… CACR 23 … would have enshrined a “right to abortion prior to 24 weeks.” That is a LIE. A bald-faced, shameless, brazen LIE.

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The Price of Power and Success?

Here’s a question: How much would you pay to know what it’s like to have Nikki Haley in your living room?

Sorry…clarification: How much would you pay to hear what it’s like to have Nikki Haley in your living room so you can be bestowed with second-hand knowledge?

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Is This the Last Year for the 4th of July?

The UN’s New York City Summit of Future, which will take place on Sept. 21st and 22nd, is meeting “to strengthen global governance for both present and future generations.” The ultimate goal of world government does not include our freedom or independence but rather the unlimited wealth and power of the UN, which promotes Chinese-style controls upon the state.

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Nothing To See Here … Just Alissandra Murray Amplifying The Desecrating Of America’s National Parks

Maybe, just maybe, people want to leave politics behind when they visit an iconic National Park like Yosemite. Maybe, just maybe, they do not want wonders like El Capitan used as political props. Not Woke Communists like Alissandra Murray, though. For the Woke Communists, politics is everything.

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John Stephen Failed to Act

During her campaign for Executive Council in District 4, Terese Bastarache passionately condemns the appalling neglect and complicity surrounding the abuse allegations at the Sununu Youth Services Center.

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ICYMI – Manch Talk: A Deep Dive on Manchester NH Crime Stats

Join us for this week’s Manch Talk, where we take a deep dive into the most recent Manchester NH crime stats. We haven’t been keeping an eye on the local po-po, and it shows!

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Scales of justice gavel law court

“Absolute Immunity” and the Rule of Law

Let’s look at the place “Absolute Immunity” holds in the Rule of Law in the United States: Every judge, whether that person sits on the local district court, any State or Federal court including the trial court, the intermediate appellate court and the State or United States Supreme Court is immune from a civil lawsuit or a criminal indictment regardless of their conduct on the Bench in the pursuit of their official duties.

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Arlene Quaratiello

The Dudley-Tucker Redemption: Justice Prevails in Public Library Lawsuit

In one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, an innocent man who is wrongfully convicted of murder and imprisoned for many years is ultimately vindicated after patiently and methodically pursuing justice.

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Manchester Is “Represented” By The Dumbest People

“Representative” Jessica Grill … remember her bitter clingers? The “State Rep” who is either actually a thirteen-year-old who lives on TikTok or who aspires to be a thirteen-year-old who lives on TikTok. The “State Rep” who ideates about having sex with older men on her X.

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Meanwhile, On Flag Day …

June 14th wass Flag Day. It commemorates the Second Continental Congress’ adoption of the American flag – the stars-and-stripes – in 1777. So how did New Hampshie’s Largest City celebrate? By raising the Gay Flag, of course.

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