My name is Colton Skorupan, and I am running for the NH State House in the new District 45 Floterial that includes Greenville, Mason, Brookline, and Hollis. I am a pro-freedom, pro-liberty Republican.
I am a USAF veteran with frequent trips to the middle east under my belt, a patriot, a husband, and a home-schooling parent. My motto is “Freedom First” because it must be our first principle, and it needs to be considered as part of every question. Every law restricts somebody’s liberty, even if only in some small way, and for that reason using the law to fix problems should be a last resort. The messy interactions of freedom are far better than an overbearing state to organize our lives. We should have as few laws as possible but enforce the ones that we have.
We want to thank Colton Skorupan for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to
We live in a moment where the rubber meets the road: This is no time to squish. Leftist ideology has been running rampant and the world is in a mess because Republicans have worked with and not against Democrats for far too long. Most of the problems that animate you every day, inflation, shortages, Covid restrictions (never forget!), and potential wars, do not get fixed at the state level. They are national and international problems. But New Hampshire can take the sting out and the edge off.
New Hampshire is a sanctuary state for freedom. We can do even better. The best defense is a good offense. The Governor vetoed a check on his power? Amend the state constitution. Can’t decide if voting machines are rigged or not? Go ahead and use them, but by law, hand-count every vote before certification. Your schools are teaching CRT and forcing make-believe pronouns? Let the money follow the child to wherever parents want to send them. We need to push, we need to win, and we need to be uncompromising once we do.
I want to add transparency to state government, and I am willing to answer all questions. If elected, I will blog about why I voted the way I did and will regularly meet with anybody who wants to come tell me why I’m wrong.
Please visit my website and submit any questions to and I will post the answers. Thank you, and please vote for Colton on September 13th.
Freedom First!