Gregg Hough Democrats turned on me FI

Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap Finished Its Take over of the Belknap County Republicans – Part 2

Well, this was more interesting than I thought it would have been. I figured that my previous post would have been a “capper” as in “the closing of a chapter”; write it, be done with it. I was wrong. A number of emails have come in over this but one came in that really showed the … Read more

Gregg Hough Democrats turned on me FI

November BCRC: General Members Only Meeting – Charges against Gregg Hough (Meeting Disruption)

Last Wednesday, 11/9/22, was the monthly meeting for the Belknap County Republican Committee.  Instead of the normal agenda, the first part of the meeting was set aside to consider charges against former NH State Rep Gregg Hough for materially disrupting the October meeting by calling into the Weirs Times office, via a proxy (who has … Read more

Gregg Hough headshot

Yeah, Gregg Hough still hasn’t learned the shovel/hole admonition.

He just keeps angering a whole bunch of folks in the Republican arena lately – unforced errors.  I put a short list together here: Gov. Sununu said he wanted him defeated The NH House Freedom Caucus believes he’s nuts for picking a fight with GraniteGrok The Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap (even after doing their bidding) marked him for … Read more

Gregg Hough headshot

Belknap County Republican Committee: In the Case of Gregg Hough vs GraniteGrok

Well, I think is the end of this particular running saga – but politics is not rational. To recap, soon-to-be former Rep. Gregg Hough is trying is employ what Gunstock Area Commissioner Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) used on fellow Republicans and Gunstock Area Commissioners Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang.

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David Hershey for NH House campaign sign

David & Debra Hershey, Disobeying the Law, Belknap County Administrator Debra Shackett, and Electioneering?

Given that the election has already occurred, I can only say that someone with an extremely loose grip on the Law and Reality didn’t make it past the Primary. Yes, David Hershey melted in the heat of the race and came in fourth in a three-person race in Alton/Barnstead.

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Gregg Hough rejected by Voters

Well, There Was One Bright Spot in Yesterday’s (Coup D’Etat) Primary Election – Once Again, It’s about Gregg Hough

Hahahahaha!  This: —— Original Message —— From: “House Republican Office” <> To: “House Republican Office” <> Sent: 9/9/2022 1:18:15 PM Subject: RELEASE: Rep. Gregg Hough Appointed to Assistant Majority Whip For Immediate Release September 9, 2022 Contact: (603) 271-3665 Rep. Gregg Hough Appointed to Assistant Majority Whip Concord, NH- House Majority Leader Jason Osborne today … Read more

Doug with hoodie on FB page 1 cropped FI

Ok Doug Lambert, from Now On, I Won’t Use the Phrase “(of DGF Industrial)” Anymore but You’re Still Gonna Have Some Explaining to Do

No, not to me, but to someone else.  I know that Jade Wood has been ticked with a nickname that she really hates.  Now, it wasn’t me who gave it to her – I’ve not gone after her much (other than finding the checkerboard) ESPECIALLY when contrasted with her words about Peter Ness and Dr. … Read more

Gregg Hough headshot

My Response to Laconia’s NH State Rep Gregg Hough’s Allegations To Have the BCRC throw GraniteGrok out of their meetings

In my post a couple of days ago (“Laconia State Rep Gregg Hough: With All His Other Political Enemies, He’s Decided to Anger GraniteGrok, too?“), I presented his allegations to the Belknap County Republican Committee as to why its Executive Committee (e.g., Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary (who was absent from the hearing), and At-Large member) … Read more

Gregg Hough headshot

Laconia State Rep Gregg Hough: With All His Other Political Enemies, He’s Decided to Anger GraniteGrok, too?

Gregg Hough has Gov. Chris Sununu calling for him to be ousted. The Progressive/Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC is gunning for his seat. True Conservatives are set against him. And he wants to pick a fight with GraniteGrok??

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Liberty Ballot – Announcing Third Round of Election 2022 Recommendations

Lily Tang Williams for Congress tops the third round of recommendations for the 2022 New Hampshire Republican Primary. Tom Mannion for State Representative is recommended. Additionally, Glen Aldrich, Harry Bean, Gregg Hough, and Norman Silber for State Representative are recommended.

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Denise Conroy - Gregg Hough

On Keeping One’s Word – Or Not. Not Cool to Lie to a New Constituent, Gregg Hough (Laconia Ward Two)!

Yep, that’s him that I “boxed” in the slightly edited registered Democrat voter Denise Conroy’s social media image.  And you voted for her, amirite, because of her “lack of baggage”?  Like I said, a complete lack of doing your homework, Gregg Hough, in picking this “temporary Commissioner” (after all, that WAS the agenda item). Tell … Read more

Gunstock Resort Logo

So, look at who the Belknap County Delegation Chuckleheads picked for the new GAC Commissioner

That would be Denise Conroy.  The entire Delegation, until November, is Republican. Good Conservative ones.  They put her onto the Gunstock Area Commission last night. From the Daily Sun:

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