Mike Bordes Should Not Be Re-Elected by the Citizens of Laconia

by Skip

From here:

NH State Rep Laura Pantelakos (D): “I don’t care about protecting peoples’ Liberty
NH State Rep  John Mann (D): “liberty” is either an ideology or a gross misrepresentation and oversimplification (accidental or otherwise) of what government is for.

Neither has read our Declaration of Independence lately, have they?

Seemingly, NH State Rep Mike Bordes, running for re-election from Laconia Wards 1,3,4,5,6 (Belknap District 3) has an issue with your Liberties as well.

Laconia citizens, do you know who the REAL Mike Bordes is, running for a second term in the NH House?  I posit that he is not the Conservative NH State Rep he claims to be.  After all, he’s been attacking other Republicans that are much more Conservative, that have been legislating/voting more in line with the NH GOP Platform, and are far better at defending your Individual Liberties than he has. While he received a B+ from the NH Liberty Alliance in 2021, he slumped badly in 2022 by regressing to a C+ showing his tendency in caring about your Freedom and Liberties: (NHLA 2022    2021  https://www.nhliberty.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021_Liberty_Rating.pdf):

Name                  Vote %       Sponsored          Grade

Bordes,Mike           79.9                   0.5                         B+       2021
Bordes, Mike          64.4                – 0.3                         C+       2022

And while one would expect an elected Republican to adhere to the NH GOP Platform (which indicates what Republicans actually believe), he got worse there as well. Proof is here (Page 1):

Mike Bordes HRA Scores 2021 2022

There were two major bills sponsored by Republicans this year – putting Parents back in charge of their child’s education (Parental Rights, voting with the Democrats) and the ability to work WITHOUT being forced to join a union (Right To Work). He voted against the Parent Rights bill and showed no political courage on the RTW bill by “taking a walk”; Bordes displayed his true colors by walking out of the House chamber and refusing to vote either way.

Not good when compared to other Belknap County Representatives Republicans (not even close!). Add to that, he’s been constantly attacking real Republicans for their smaller government, lower taxes positions and willingness to seek out and highlight corruption.

Finally, the major legislative accomplish of Rep Bordes in his two years in the House was to remove the daytime speed limits on Lake Winnipesaukee.  Like nearly all of his other proposed legislation, it was killed in the House and never even made it to the Senate for consideration.

So, when it comes time for Laconia voters to cast their ballots in the Republican primary next month, they may wish to consider that any real Republican candidate might be better than Bordes.

Here is the LTE I am sending into the Daily Sun ( an abbreviated version of the above):

Mike Bordes Should Not Be Re-Elected by the Citizens of Laconia

NH State Rep Laura Pantelakos (D): “I don’t care about protecting peoples’ Liberty“ (https://bit.ly/3CpWTeM). Seemingly, NH State Rep Mike Bordes, running for re-election from Laconia Wards 1,3,4,5,6, hasn’t read our Declaration of Independence either and has similar issues with your Liberties.

Laconia citizens, who IS the real Mike Bordes, running for re-election? He’s not the Conservative he’s claiming. He’s been attacking Republicans that are more Conservative, who vote more with the NH GOP Platform, and far better in defending your Liberties.

While he received a B+ from the NH Liberty Alliance (who measures how a Rep defends your Liberty) in 2021, he slumped badly in 2022 to a C+. He only voted on 80% of the NHLA rated bills in 2021 and only 64% in 2022. His adherence to the NH GOP Platform, measured by the House Republican Alliance (https://bit.ly/3pE4QoZ) was barely a “gentleman’s B”.

Further were two major bills sponsored by Republicans this year – putting Parents back in charge of your child’s education (Parental Rights) and your ability to work WITHOUT being forced to join a union (Right To Work). He voted against PR and showed zilch political courage on RTW; his true colors showed by walking out of Reps Hall and refused to vote.

Not even close when compared to other Belknap County Republicans). Further, he’s been constantly attacking other Republicans for smaller government stances, desiring lower taxes, and willingness to seek out corruption; it should give you pause.

Finally, what did he accomplish in his two years in the House? He tried to remove daytime speed limits on Lake Winnipesaukee. Like nearly all his other proposals, it died in the House.

In next month’s Republican Primary, Laconia voters should know there are better Republican candidates than Bordes.


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