UPDATED and BUMPED: bumped from 7/23/22. The email thread involving Rebecca LaPense, Robin Rowe, and Tom Day showing their Anti-Christian outlook is at the bottom of this post.
This proves that Doug Lambert, Jade Wood, Gary Kiedaisch, and others have been lying about Soulfest not happening over the mass resignations of Sr. Management – Tom Day, GM, been trying to get rid of Soulfest for almost a year! It’s clear this has been a nothing but a political bargaining chip and putup. All that malarky from Tom Day and Cathy White that they didn’t want Soulfest AT ALL anymore. It was a loser financially from what scuttlebutt has them saying before. But a contract is a contract – until these seemingly Anti-Christianists don’t like having believers, people of faith, around. Until it can be useful for their political means of getting rid of the people asking hard questions about subjects they wanted to be left in the dark.
OH WAIT! They wanted it BOTH ways! Listen to all the screaming in the media AND in the GAC meetings – they wanted them gone but had no problem in using them as both a political cudgeal and as political bait in their PR campaign. OH, YOU CAN’T HAVE SOULFEST WITHOUT US AT THE HELM. SAVE us, Obi Wan Tom Day – make those new GAC Storm Troopers asking us hard questions that would reveal answers that will embarrass us go away!
So while doing this, what as Tom Day doing back in October and November of last year? Trying to get rid of SoulFest – well before their man-made disaster. From the unredacted billing records run up with Devine-Millimet law firm by Tom Day and Gary Kiedaisch:
Imagine that – you’d think that Tom Day, Gary Kiedaisch, and all of the rest of them have no honor or honesty in a single one of their bones. They KNEW they were burning the Soulfest candle from both ends – burning Soulfest itself and still using Soulfest to burn the Delegation/GAC members.
OK, Doug Lambert, soon to be promoted from Secretary to Chair of the GAC (and of DGFIndustrial), whatcha gonna do about this political conundrum? Are you going to correctly call it out for what it is and admit malfeasance? Or are you going to cover it up, just like the good ole boy network in Gilford we went after (and Moultonborough and other towns) in shining Big Flashlights on their misdealing?
Sadly, I’m having to say that he has changed – he has become what he once hated. But having a sense of grace and forgiveness that you haven’t shown towards either Peter Ness or Dr. Dave Strang, or those on the Delegation, I would be happy to give you a blessing – if you turn from the Dark Side and return to the Light. Like you said you had to do those 15 years ago.
Besides, we have better cookies.
UPDATED and BUMPED: Originally posted on March 18, 2022. Please review the email thread below by Becky LaPense, Robin Rowe, and Tom Day (all now former Sr. Mgt) to show you how much they “lived” the respect “lines” they’ve been mouthing at the GAC meetings.
All we have heard from the Gunstock employees has been about a lack of respect towards them from the Gunstock Area Commissioners. That they micromanage them, that they are asking hard questions, that they are demanding information.
No, you are NOT being “put upon,” they were doing their JOBS, and you refused to do yours! And you, along with Gary Kiedaish, Brian Gallagher, and other prior Commissioners (Ruth Larson, Russ Dumais, and others) didn’t like that the new Commissioners are doing so because they ARE doing the jobs that you folks were supposed to be doing – and didn’t because you were too buddy-buddy. Why else did Kiedaisch run up legal bills over $110K using Gunstock Mountain money in investigating the present Commissioners to get them thrown off?
Doubt me?
That link will bring you right to those unredacted legal bills. Let’s not forget HB1397 which was a DIFFERENT political ploy to remove the GAC from the Belknap County Delegation overview as well.
Anyways, for all of the tongue lashing that Becky LaPense did a couple of GAC meetings ago (and yes, I have the video of it so I “have receipts”!), I remind you, via their own emails, what they thought about one of their largest customers: Soulfest. Again.
I’ve been saying that this is all a Saul Alinsky political stunt. At the last meeting, during the public comment session, I brought up his stunt that forced then Chicago Mayor Daly to hire Alinsky’s followers by making sure that the bathrooms in the airport were unavailable when long-haul jet passengers went quickly looking for bathrooms after deplaning only to find that all the urinals and stalls were filled and those filling them never moved.
Well, having the planned mass resignation by Sr. Mgt of Gunstock Mountain Resort can now be branded their version of the O’Hare stunt. With less than two weeks before SoulFest is to start, they intended to see that SoulFest wouldn’t happen and then blame the GAC for it for “disrespecting” them. Not only would they give the customer they hate a thumb in the eye, but they also are intent on making the Commissioners look like failures.
Nice plan, Brian Beihl! Use this pretext as a political cudgel (favorite word, lately) in order to skew the Republican Primary (September) for your pliable candidates and then control the General Election in November to return the GAC to your control.
But here’s the more insidious part of the plan:
The secondary plan was that Biehl would use this, given how much of a Democrat partisan he is, to start to break down the Conservative hold on Belknap County and start changing it to be a Progressive / Democrat one. Thus, Kiedaisch, McLear, McLaughlin, Gallagher, Dumais, and the rest could be called “unwitting dupes”. Remember that Citizens for Belknap is a hard Left Democrat.
Anyways, look at the email thread – and it’s clear that these two events, one by happenstance (the cartoon) have been wedded to a “direct action” stunt.
Those of us who live in the Lakes Region know what SoulFest is all about. It is a Christian-based gathering that is heavy on all kinds of Christian music, sermons, and fellowship that scatters over a good part of the Gunstock property.
And to all accounts that I am familiar with, mostly well-behaved, family-oriented events. After all, how “bad” can things get if people are….worshipping God?
It’s not like they’re breaking things, assaulting others, getting drunk with the resulting lewd acts, or stealing, amirite?
Oh, to be sure, there are bad apples in EVERY group (there’s a reason why the phrase “Back Row Baptists” exists as in “after a rowdy Saturday night, just close enough to the pulpit back here”), so I’m not going to be an apologist here. But if not hatred, there’s certainly, as one person that I’ve shared this with, a certain anti-Christian animus.
So, the folks in the title above are the President and CEO, and the HR Director, respectively. But no respect towards this weekend-long customer, eh?
This is how Gunstock’s Senior Management thinks about a customer like this? With disdain (keep reading)?
Note: I added in their signature information for the clarity of titles/positions.
From: Robin Rowe
To: Tom Day; Rebecca LaPense
Subject: RE: Soulfest
Date: Friday, March 11, 2022 8:24:32 AMLove it!
Robin Rowe, Director of Resort Services
Direct: 603-737-4351
719 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford, NH 03249
From: Tom Day <TDay@gunstock.com>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 7:00 AM
To: Rebecca LaPense <RLaPense@gunstock.com>; Robin Rowe <rrowe@gunstock.com>
Subject: Re: SoulfestThat’s great!
Tom Day
President and General Manager
719 Cherry Valley Road Gilford NH 03249
Get Outlook for iOS
From: Rebecca LaPense <RLaPense@gunstock.com>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 6:04:36 AM
To: Tom Day <TDay@gunstock.com>; Robin Rowe <rrowe@gunstock.com>
Subject: Soulfest
Becky LaPense
HR Director
Gunstock Mountain Resort
So the real question is – what are the Gunstock Area Commissioners (“GAC”) going to do about this? Are they going to reach out to the SoulFest producer?
What will they say to their other employees when they hear how little Day, Rowe, and LaPense make of this customer while all the time exhorting their reports to treat customers with respect and white gloves?
And, sorry, there is little room for a collective non-apology apology from these three. They lead this organization from an operational standpoint – but the GAC is responsible for it all. Heads should roll for insulting Soulfest – let’s see if these three intolerant ones do the right thing and hand each other pink slips.