Quick reference – HB1397 takes RSA 399 on how the Gunstock Area Commission is constituted and governs and completely severs its present accountability. It makes it a playground for the monied “controllers” As there will never be another “ordinary Jane or Joe” candidate or seat-holder because of the $20,000 – $30,000 cost to run a county-wide election for an office that gives you a free ski-pass and $25 a meeting.
Really elitist of you, NH State Senator Bob Guida (who deigns not to speak with mere Representatives), NH Representative Tim Lang (aspirations of replacing Guida bankrolled by Kiedaisch/McLear/Belknap County Landscaping founder Hayden McLaughlin monies?), and Gunstock Area Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch (who has repeatedly said that only people like him and his commercial/professional accomplishments should be on the Commission). Just an ordinary guy without money and connections?
You’ll see in the video that Kiedaisch, calling in from California, refuses to make his intentions rather public and abstains from the resolution that outlines that the Gunstock Area Commission, by a vote of 4-0-1 are against the amended HB1397 that was turned from a simple bill to extend Rockingham County elected terms from 2 to 4 years to one that totally turns how the Gunstock Area Commission is constituted upside down.
You’ll also hear how hard Kiedaisch worked against Lambert’s insistence on adding a couple of late additions to the agenda – until Lambert read him the same part of the ByLaws that I have heard Kiedaisch use for his own agenda:
So, here is that “pre-non-public Meeting” Public Meeting:
And I walked out and sat in the car, waiting for the non-public meeting to end. And it finally did, and they went back into Public Meeting:
I have to apologize for this last one – the DJI OM 5 gimbal swapped position (it said that the phone was unbalanced) from landscape to portrait but the camera recording stayed landscape. I’m also looking into enhancing the audio acquisition for the next time that I think that a con-call speaker will be used and I will be several feet away from it.
The released records!
One of the bones of contentions in this “GAC situation that could happen in your town, too” was the release of the redacted billing records that it seems (quick glance – further research is greatly needed) Commissioners Gallagher (former, in Gallagher) and Kiedaisch appear to have used as their personal lawyers to further, not the GAC’s needs but their own political agendas.
Devine 11-05-20.pdfDevine 12-04-20.pdf
Devine 02-08-21
Devine 08-24-21.pdf
Devine 07-07-21
Devine 09-14-21.pdf
Devine 10-12-21.pdf
Devine 11-10-21.pdf
Devine 11-15-21.pdf
Devine 12-08-21.pdf
Devine 01-06-22
Devine 01-26-22
Devine 02-22-22
Devine 03-22-22
And here is the report commissioned by Chair Peter Ness to go over all of the above:
GAC PGC Letter to Commissioner Ness with Preliminary Reports 05 06 22 – for public release