Unilever “Rejects Completely and Repudiates Unequivocally” Ben & Jerry’s Ban on Selling Ice Cream in Israel

Long ago and way back in time (circa 2000), the Global Beast named Unilever ate Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. Ben and Jerry each got a fat check and retained the right to lead an independent board that could make whiney decisions based on the company’s social mission.

B&J birthed the TDS flavor Pecan Resist and even encouraged Congress to let the leading theocrat-financiers of global terrorism have the nuclear option. They also decided to prohibit sales of their products in Israel in support of the BDS Movement. Not Biden Derangement Syndrome – that’s what the sitting president* has, the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement. BDS is an economic and political pressure campaign to force Isreal to do whatever the progs decide (always subject to change and never in your favor).

The proposed ban in Israel has not gone well for the Independent Board or the brand, even in places they might typically find favor, but to their credit, they stuck to their progressive “principles” and insisted on no B&Js in Isreal.

Unilever, which claimed to retain primary responsibility for financial and operational decisions, has stepped in and told the independent board to stuff it.


The company has sold its Ben & Jerry’s business interests in Israel to Avi Zinger, the owner of American Quality Products Ltd (AQP), the current Israel-based licensee. The new arrangement means Ben & Jerry’s will be sold under its Hebrew and Arabic names throughout Israel and the West Bank under the full ownership of its current licensee


They even called it what it is.


Unilever rejects completely and repudiates unequivocally any form of discrimination or intolerance. Antisemitism has no place in any society. We have never expressed any support for the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement and have no intention of changing that position.


And why would they? According to the release, “Unilever Israel employs around 2,000 people of diverse backgrounds, has four local manufacturing plants, and works with a network of around 2,000 local suppliers and service providers.” And “Unilever has invested more than 1 billion Shekels (around €250 million) in our business in Israel.”

So, Ben & Jerry and their Independent Board will have to find another way to offend Jews.

Don’t worry. It won’t take long. But it won’t be affecting anyone in Israel.



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