Is it Time to Call for a Boycott of Ben & Jerry’s?

Last week I wrote about how whoever owns Ben & Jerry’s these days is no less pretentious and hypocritical than the original Ben & Jerry. The company named an ice cream flavor Pecan Resist and say that profits will got to four far-left groups one of which is the Women’s March; an organization whose ties to antisemitism and anti-semites just cost them a Human Rights Award.

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a German socialist think-tank, was set to reward the Women’s March with a human rights award but has now rescinded the award after members of the organization wrote a very public letter denouncing the Women’s March.

“We believe that the Women’s March USA does not meet the criteria of this award, as its organizers have repeatedly attracted attention through antisemitic statements, the trivialization of antisemitism and the exclusion of Zionists and Jews since Women’s March USA’s establishment in 2017,” wrote foundation members. “Women’s March USA does not constitute an inclusive alliance.”

A German-Socialist think-tank was prepared to give anti-semite’s a human rights award but for the thoughtful input of some of it’s more attentive members.

Linda Sarsour, a member of the board and former president of Women’s March USA, is notorious for her propagation of antisemitism towards Israel. This transpired not only through her statement from March 2017 claiming that feminists* could not be Zionists* simultaneously,6 and that Zionists* were Nazis,but also through her demonization and delegitimization of Israel, as well as the application of a double standard.

I know, Ben Greenfield and Jerry Cohen, the founders of Ben & Jerry’s are Jews. Rich Jews. Rich, white, Jews. Rich, white, male, Jews. They’d be oppressors of the whatever except that Ben and Jerry are on Team Left so that affords them special treatment. The company that made them rich is just as far-left and thinks it is just as special without them. On the Pecan Resist page, they note that,

We can peacefully resist the Trump administration’s regressive and discriminatory policies and build a future that values inclusivity, equality, and justice for people of color, women, the LGBTQ community, refugees, and immigrants.

Ah, life in the blue bubble.

When asked directly about the Women’s March connection with Farrakhan, a spokeswoman for Ben & Jerry’s told IJR that the company is “comfortable” partnering with the organization. The connection isn’t disgusting, racist, or problematic, she said, just “controversial” and a “point of view different from our own.”

As I said, special.

Supporting anti-semites or, in the case of one of the leaders of the movement Linda Sarsour who is herself an anti-semite, is just “controversial.”

Sarsour, a Muslim, reminds other Muslims not to humanize Jews. 

For the sake of consistency the neo-feminist movement, Democrat party, and the Abortion industry itself justify the practice of killing pre-born babies (Jewish, Female, Black, and Hispanic) by telling themselves and anyone who will listen not to humanize them.

If you don’t humanize them it’s okay to kill them, because they aren’t people.

I don’t think the people at Ben & Jerry’s have thought this through. They are funding an organization whose leadership has embraced the same sort of thinking that when worked into the fabric of a culture through a movement like theirs can justify intimidation, detention, murder, or even mass murder.

This sort of thinking is regressive and discriminatory and promises a future with no hope of inclusivity, equality, and justice unless you mean those terms by their true progressive definitions: newspeak to excuse partisan bullying and intimidation by a leftist mob in its pursuit of a one-party state.

Nothing inclusive about that, no equality, just power, and punishment. 

I’m not big on boycotts, but this sounds like one instance where we could use one. Start by asking your local retailer why they support this sort of crap by selling it in the first place.


Related: Ann Kuster Silent On Women’s March Board Member Who Says, ‘Don’t Humanize Jews’


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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