Gary Kiedaisch - Gunstock Area Commission

Gunstock-You want EXTREMISTS?? Let Me Present “Citizens for Belknap”‘s and former GAC Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch

Alternative Title: Kibosh for Kiedaisch Obligatory: the picture at the definition of “Arrogant” has Gary Kiedaisch next to it. Why? Sorry, but just SAYING that you are “retracting” your “I Quit” that you uttered last week (video here). However, he has a history of thinking that just because he says something, everyone HAS to believe … Read more

Obama Eulogy for Inouye…about Obama

obama eulogy for Inouye- all about Obama
Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images c/o Slate

Everyone knows the fiscal cliff looks better from Hawaii and why not double down and deliver a eulogy for a recently deceased Democrat senator while you are there?

Better yet, how about making that eulogy all about you?

According to Slate, via Hot Air, that is exactly how it went down.  The commander in chief took the opportunity to comfort friends, family, and associates of Senator Daniel Inouye…through the life of Barack Obama.

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Why Aren’t they Free?

Why aren’t they Free?  Because taxpayers are not paying for them, that’s why.  Mr. Redistribution isn’t about to give up money for his campaign just so you can wear his gear.  Although mandatory purchases are not out of the question after the election (should he win).  You can wear it while you look longingly at  … Read more

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