Data Point – So When All Trust Is Gone, Then What?

by Skip

Well, there’s always going backards to the era of Tribalism (which I think, as E Pluribus Unum is being shoved into the dust bin by the Progressive Identity Group Political Totem Pole, we’re actually entering through that gate) or eventually to a Strong Man form of Government.


Americans are less confident in major U.S. institutions than they were a year ago, with significant declines for 11 of the 16 institutions tested and no improvements for any. The largest declines in confidence are 11 percentage points for the Supreme Court — as reported in late June before the court issued controversial rulings on gun laws and abortion — and 15 points for the presidency, matching the 15-point drop in President Joe Biden’s job approval rating since the last confidence survey in June 2021. . .

Americans’ confidence in institutions has been lacking for most of the past 15 years, but their trust in key institutions has hit a new low this year.

I am betting that with the military going “Woke” at an ever increasing speed (kicked off by Obama’s “transformation”, halted somewhat by Trump, and pedal to the metal by Biden), that percentage drop is only going to go down. I’m not surprised with the rating of Congress – what have they done but blither endlessly, not do their actual job, and (in the inverse of what our Founding Fathers envisioned), have decided that they get to tell Society how we are to live our lives instead of US telling THEM what’s important!

Gallup Institution Confidence in major institutions 1979-2022

But what happens as ALL of our institutions go to nullity?  Bad things.  Low Trust Societies are mean, brutish, arbitary, capricious – and deadly.  E Pluribus Unum ONLY works where there is Trust.  And that can only remain when a majority of Americans continue to believe in the same things.

Too many people keep saying “There is more that unites us than divides us” – usually by politicians that run on campaigns “built” on Unity (or at least, say it a lot on the stump circuit).  I’m not so sure about that any more. IMHO, the Left / Right chasm is only spreading wider and deeper as political (and Life!) philosophies and societal norms are diverging at ever increasing speeds. What used to be considered degeneracy and debauchery, like bringing little kids to drag shows and to “Pride” parades where grown adults saunter in their narcissim – and parents bring their little ones to that. We see the Woke Evangelists at every turn all demanding positive affirmation in all things contrary to tradition American norms.

To which many of us hold onto even more, knowing that decency is slipping away.

That second chart shows, at 27%, the end isn’t all that far ahead of us.

What then?

(H/T: Powerline)

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