Politicians Who Want Gas to Be Expensive to Investigate Why Gas is So Expensive - Granite Grok

Politicians Who Want Gas to Be Expensive to Investigate Why Gas is So Expensive

Dumpster fire

In Momma’s Broken Heart, Miranda Lambert sings, “Leave it to me to be holdin’ the matches, When the fire trucks show up, and there’s nobody else to blame.” Someone looks guilty, and maybe they’re are or perhaps not, but when it comes to high gas prices, it’s no coincidence.

California’s legislature, which has worked diligently to make gasoline expensive, has decided to investigate why gas prices are so damn high.


California’s gas prices are currently the highest in the U.S., with the average price per gallon at $6.40 on Monday compared to the national average of $4.98.

“We have put ourselves in a situation because of our addiction to the gas-powered engine. Yet that is no excuse for the actions of those who pin California drivers down with a foot on our necks and a hand in our pockets,” Rendon said.


California has the second-highest gas tax in the nation. Additional costs accrue for buffet blends and a fee to reduce greenhouse gases. California has oil and gas reserves but won’t tap them, not any new ones.

The excess cost results from Left-Wing policy, but the politicians who made gas expensive won’t accept the blame or take the credit, which is odd. For years they’ve been saying gas needed to be more costly to make their preferred alternatives more competitive. But as the cost of motor fuels went higher, so did the cost of raw materials and manufacturing for those alternatives.

The problem, at least to the leftwing mind, is not to admit failure or to turn back. It is to set California (and the nation) on fire and then blame someone else when you’re the one holding the matches.


