Language Warning: The Joe Biden Inflation Rap! - Granite Grok

Language Warning: The Joe Biden Inflation Rap!

The real samson rapper - screen grab

I’m not a huge fan of Rap music. And I get that most of it is not written for me. So, it’s cool that other people like it (free country – barely – and all that). I’d rather listen to something else. This, however, speaks to me.

The performer is named Samson. It was on his shirt, so I searched for him. He’s got all the social channels and a lot of political songs. Kamala, Nancy, it might be worth a search and a watch or two, but I’ve not yet done that myself.

In this version, he is talking about inflation, taxes, Joe Biden, and all the crap that’s happened since he took office. After some searching, it looks like the title is 46=13.

I liked it enough to share it.

Language warning: he swears a bit—most of the adult words.
