URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Parental Rights Bill HB1431

by Op-Ed

The NH legislature is currently considering HB1431, the Parental Bill of Rights. The final bill will be voted up or down by the House and Senate this Thursday, May 26th. We need all hands on deck to make sure that this legislation makes it to the governor’s desk. Although Governor Sununu has threatened to veto the bill, we believe he may reconsider his position if he hears from enough New Hampshire voters.

Organizations like GLAAD, ACLU-NH, Granite State Progress, the AFL-CIO, and others insist that HB1431 is dangerous because it “would give parents the final word on their child’s health, education, and welfare.”  Yes it would, and that’s exactly how it should be.  Here are the facts:

  1. HB1431 does not require the “outing” of kids questioning their sexuality or gender identity.
  2. It does not “target” gay and transgender kids for discrimination or disparate treatment.
  3. If a child wants to confide in a staff member at school that they are questioning their gender or sexuality, that is completely permissible under the bill.
  4. However, if a child needs counseling, requests a change to their official record or requires “action by school authorities pursuant to school policies” then parents will be notified.
  5. The bill also gives parents rights to information, transparency and other protections that are fundamental to the very difficult job of parenting and educating their kids.
  6. For those tragic circumstances where parents constitute a risk to their children, we have existing laws and institutions to address those risks.


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Here’s what you can do to help:

#1: Contact your State Representatives and urge them to vote for HB1431 this Thursday

#2: Contact your State Senator and urge them to vote for HB1431

#3: Thank NH House Majority Leader Jason Osborne and Speaker Sherm Packard for ensuring HB1431 passed with agreeable language through the Committee of Conference (Speaker: sherman.packard@leg.state.nh.us, Majority Leader: Jason@Osborne4NH.com)

#4: Co-sign the Letter to the Legislature and Governor Sununu in support of HB1431. Tell them there should be no more secrets between parents and their children.

#5: Support the Billboard Campaign. Our friends over at RebuildNH are investing in digital billboard advertising to help increase awareness and promote the passage of this bill.  Please consider making a donation to help fund that effort.



  • Op-Ed

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