State Employee Rapes Girl and Sununu Wants to Help Cover up Future Cases

In Kevin Landrigan’s column in the Union Leader on April 23, he summarized an article in the Boston Globe that told the story of a young teen girl who was repeatedly raped by a New Hampshire government employee at the Sununu Youth Services Center in Manchester.

When she became pregnant, she was taken to an abortion facility where she was administered RU-486 abortion pills against her will, very likely at the Manchester Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood is infamous for helping cover up the rape of minors. In this case, the rapes were covered up for years.

NH Governor Chris Sununu has said he will veto HB1625, the Sidewalk Free Speech Act which would repeal the New Hampshire buffer zone law that allows private abortion businesses to ban people offering help to abortion-vulnerable pregnant mothers from up to 25 feet of the public sidewalks and streets outside the entrances to their facilities.

Without someone on the sidewalk to offer help, it is much easier for rapists to cover up their crimes by forcing their victims, especially underage victims, to get abortions.

Related: Five More Reasons to Repeal the “Buffer Zone”

Governor Sununu loves to brag about being “pro-choice” but this girl and many others don’t get a choice. Over half of abortions in America are unwanted or coerced.

Please contact Governor Sununu and ask him to sign HB1625 and help protect vulnerable girls and women from forced abortions. He can be reached at 603-271-2121.

Learn more about forced abortions at

Learn more about the buffer zone law and the Sidewalk Free Speech Act at Top 10 Reasons Why the NH Buffer Zone Law Must Be Repealed.


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