Pay attention if you want a good laugh and maybe a good cry (possibly from laughter but possible sorrow). The same Democrats sexualizing young children have filled the media magazine with new ordinance.
The Republican Party is a bunch of white supremacist Putin Lovers.
This prediction from former and current intelligence officials dates from at least early 2020 and holds that a “transnational white supremacist network” with alleged ties to the Ukraine conflict will be the next global catastrophe to befall the world as the threat of Covid-19 recedes.
And manifests itself here in the American media.
On March 2, Salon followed Reich’s piece with a similar editorial entitled “How white supremacy fuels the Republican love affair with Vladimir Putin,” which concludes with the assertion that “today’s Republican Party is America’s and the world’s largest white supremacist and white identity organization” and “that “conservatism” and racism are now fully one and the same thing here in America.”
As this muddying of the waters regarding the relationship among Putin, the US Republican Party, and white supremacism escalates, we also have intelligence agencies in Europe and the US increasingly linking opposition to Covid measures, like lockdowns and vaccine mandates, to neo-Nazism, white supremacism and the far-right, frequently with little to no evidence.
This recently occurred with the Freedom Convoy in Canada and, more recently, German security agencies and officials asserted just days ago that they can no longer distinguish between “far-right radicals” and those who oppose vaccine mandates and Covid restrictions. However, these efforts to link opposition to Covid measures with “domestic terrorism” and the far-right go back to 2020.
I can’t speak to the CIA’s interests in Ukraine (or the author’s assumptions about it – maybe this?), but the latter part is all around us. It has been brewing in the basement cauldrons of the Left’s narrative mills.
I don’t think it was necessary to start a war and stir up an insurgency to make or keep that idea alive. It arose out of the need to find something more intimidating than plain old racism. This is the only thing about that party that is actually colorblind.
Anyone of any age, sex, race, pick a potential victim class, who is not ideologically aligned with them, is a racist, bigot, homophone, theocrat, or whatever applies to intimidate like minds from daring to speak against them.
The war with Russia adds a flank to their methods, as the Salon piece and echo chamber attest. And they will never let a crisis go to waste.
Other news organizations will point to Salon as proof of other reporting, and the media circle-jerk will continue until it reaches critical mass.
But the media has been busted repeatedly in recent weeks for epic fraud. Trump is suing Hillary Clinton. Hunter’s Laptop is not just real; it’s damning.
And Elon Musk is trying to buy Twitter – not to free “free speech” but to expose the likelihood that it is a prop of the US intelligence community. Read that one when you have time, but remember that it’s probably just another conspiracy cooked up by Putin-loving republican white supremacists.