
In the Wonderful World of Blundering Biden, I thought our situation could not get worse after the Blunderer in Chief sabotaged our energy supply; retreated from Afghanistan, costing the US $100 billion, giving the Taliban and China Baghram Air Force base; a misery index of 20%+, exceeding Carter’s disastrous economic policy; allowing an invasion of illegals thru the US Southern Border. Then the Blunderer in Chief announces he will pick Justice Breyer’s successor based on sex and gender in violation of our civil rights law: a double whammy.

Blunderer unearthed a Harvard-brainwashed, newly-appointed federal circuit court judge. Blunderer did not have to look too far because the federal D.C. Circuit Court is located across from Lafayette Park – two blocks from the White House. Our industrious US senators voted to approve this leftist looney–tune a few months ago: 53 to 44, knowing this Circuit Court is a stepping stone to SCOTUS.

The incompetence of the U.S. Senate and Blunderer’s vetting process (the FBI at work again). and the Blunderer’s racism and sexism have created political dynamite because everything is topsy-turvy. Let’s see why!

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

1.) Ketanji Brown Jackson (“KBJ”) denied any knowledge of CRT and its progeny at Georgetown Day School, a school for the elites in D.C., under oath. KBJ signed an agreement to promote CRT and its progeny starting in Kindergarten. This despicable conduct alone ( brainwashing children with CRT and lying under oath ) disqualify KJB from SCOTUS.
2.) In a January 2020 speech at the University of Michigan Law School, KBJ advised the students to hide their real thinking to “ get ahead” and then pounce when they reach the top ( in her case SCOTUS).
3.) According to Newt Gingrich, KBJ’s failure to define a “woman” exposes her radicalism and disqualifies her from serving on SCOTUS. She is unable to define a “woman” but possesses the expertise to know that child pornographers are not pedophiles, despite many experts opining otherwise. Again her obvious dishonesty emerges, as she told the students, to “get ahead”.
4.) Senator Dick Durbin, a Democrat Chairperson of the Senate Judiciary Committee, refuses to order the production of KBJ’s pre-sentencing reports and 48,000 pages of other records concerning KBJ’s questionable sentencing practices. The lawful reasonable inference is that these records would expose more cases of pedophiles and drug dealers being given light sentences.


In the words of Anthony Mee on American Thinker:


“ Judge Jackson is a Trojan Horse, set to spill out all the weapons of the Progressives… She will be dogmatic and anti-rational… Her work on behalf of the very worst terrorist in the entire human population and her expressed sympathies with the most horrible destroyers of human dignity (pedophiles) already predict this.”


KBJ should be impeached and removed from the bench, not rewarded with a lifetime appointment to SCOTUS to spout her leftist tripe and hatred of the United States of America.



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