Biden Reponse To Gang Gun Fight in California - MORE Anti-Gun Laws Like They Have in California - Granite Grok

Biden Reponse To Gang Gun Fight in California – MORE Anti-Gun Laws Like They Have in California

crime-scene body outline murder dead

I’ve been away too long but look what brought me back—the king of stupid, F. Joe Biden. At least five shooters in the Cali state Capitol (where the anti-gun are hatched from oozing blue pits). Six dead, probably gang-related. Biden’s response?

He’d like to take the gun laws that didn’t prevent that shoot-out nationwide. In other words, let’s do what doesn’t work.


Ban ghost guns. Require background checks for all gun sales. Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Repeal gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability. Pass my budget proposal, which would give cities more of the funding they need to fund the police and fund the crime prevention and intervention strategies that can make our cities safer. These are just a few of the steps Congress urgently needs to take to save lives.


As AWR Hawkins notes, California does almost all of that now.


  • California already bans ghost guns.
  • California has required background checks for all gun sales since the 1990s.
  • California has banned “assault weapons” since the 1990s.
  • California bans “high capacity” magazines.
  • Additionally, California has a red flag law,
  • gun registration requirements,
  • A 10-day waiting period on gun purchases,
  • A “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance,
  • A ban on campus carry for self-defense,
  • A ban on teachers carrying on K-12 campuses for classroom defense, and a limit on the number of guns law-abiding citizens can buy each month.
  • California also requires would-be purchasers to pass a background check before acquiring ammunition.


Nearly every common-sense gun law someone with the intellectual agility of a soap dish could imagine. And still, in the state capital, multiple shooters went at each other (after a fight, according to police), and six ended up dead.

Sacramento police noted, “It is increasingly clear that gang violence is at the center of this tragedy. While we cannot at this time elaborate on the precise gang affiliation of individuals involved, gangs and gang violence are inseparable from the events that drove these shootings.”

The media is calling it a mass shooting. The correct term is a mass of gang-related shooters. In the center of the gun control universe with a mountain of gun control legislation on the books.

And president dopey wants that from sea to “rising™” sea.

I’ll pass.


