Nothing Good Coming - Granite Grok

Nothing Good Coming

Danger original Photo by Clément Rémond on Unsplash

Well, America how do we like Socialism, Biden style? From my vantage point, it’s a complete disaster from beginning to end although the end is not in sight yet.

It may yet end with a rash of mushroom clouds if our bumbling erstwhile “President” keeps making his mind-numbing record bad decisions. Sure hope not but he can’t really help himself it’s in his genes.

Let’s remember this was the candidate who promised to bring America together then proceeded to immediately, once sworn in, double down on the Left’s hate campaign against republicans, conservatives, Christians, and any who questioned and or disagreed with any of his illegal mandates or policy.

Every decision, every policy change or action he has made has been disaster after disaster resulting in a massive increase in every category of crimes, huge inflation costs, shortages, overdose drug deaths.

Have I missed anything? Oh right, invasion, war, and crimes against humanity by Putin in Ukraine. Yes, he did set all the right conditions to embolden not only Putin but every despot in the world. Meanwhile, he is off groveling to those same desports begging for more oil.

That last brings up the question of what is the difference if we increase oil production here domestically or have other countries increase production? Oil is oil, is it not? Oh I know, that might upset environmentalists who have this fetish believing if only we here in America go completely green all the rest of the world will follow. Fat chance! Putin is never going to go green nor is China, India, or any “developing nation.” And we can’t!

Where are all those solar panels and wind turbines coming from I again remind you?

Progressives (complete misnomers) dream big, delude themselves, closing their minds to human nature that is first and foremost – self-interest, and self-survival.

Life is not any Hollywood movie or idealistic TV series like Star Trek. It’s hard and unforgiving, especially for nations that can’t see it for what it is.

It’s getting very dangerous out there folks.
