The Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin Are Not a Direct Threat to the USA


Despite what the mainstream media and the Biden administration want you to believe, Vladimir Putin is not a warmongering despot run amok. Putin, as the leader of the Russian Federation, is doing what any good leader would do when backed against a wall and faced with hard choices.

Let’s go back in time, shall we?

1823…President Jame Monroe initiated the “Monroe Doctrine.” A United States foreign policy position that opposed European colonialism. It held that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers was a potentially hostile act against the U.S. and would not be tolerated. The doctrine was central to U.S. foreign policy for much of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

1962…The Soviet Union (USSR) deployed a nuclear-capable missile system to the sovereign island nation of Cuba, 90 miles away from the US. Cuba was under threat of US invasion at the time. See “The Bay of Pigs” incident. As part of a determined US response, President John F Kennedy put conventional US armed forces in the way of USSR armed forces to stop this and was willing to and almost did start a nuclear war over it. The USSR withdrew the missiles. The USA later removed missiles from Turkey as part of a quid pro quo agreement with the USSR.

2014…Ukrainian civil war begins….Eastern and Western Ukraine split. Eastern Ukraine is supported by the Russian Federation. The Western Ukraine is supported by the USA and several NATO states. The Western Ukraine forces dominate the war and stabilize the region for a time. Western Ukraine runs itself largely as an independent nation, albeit with a ton of support from the west. Ukraine particularly used the influence of the Biden Crime family to gain US military aid and financial support. Can you say Burisma?

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The US administration (at the time Obama/Biden) sees this as a chance to gain energy resources for the west and to make a weak Russian Federation weaker. The Russians see Ukraine supported by and as potential a member of NATO as a direct threat. The US felt the same way about Cuba, with USSR support, in 1962.

Riddle me this…What if China or Russia built a military airport and naval base in the Bahamas? Would that go over well in the USA? I think not.

The Ukraine borders Russia. Just like Georgia, Belarus, Chechnya, Finland and many other smallish not so important in our eyes, countries. Russia is not going to allow them to join NATO or to fall under the direct influence of NATO. NATO is a direct threat to Russia. See article V of the NATO charter.

Just as the US is not going to allow Mexico or Canada to make a military alliance with China, Putin and Russia will not allow Ukraine to become a military puppet of the west, nor should he if he is using the same metrics that the USA has been using since 1823. See again the “Monroe Doctrine.”

Look up Putin’s interviews on the subject the past four years. Putin told every western leader in no uncertain terms that the “Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO.” What did the western leaders do? They proclaimed that they wanted the Ukraine to join NATO and put in motions action to the end.

Like him or not, Vladimir Putin is a serious man. You do not become a colonel in the KGB by being an idiot or a bumbling fool. Even though most of the western media despises him, Putin is a true leader. He knows Russia’s strengths and weaknesses. He also knows the leadership of west strengths and weaknesses. #1 amongst the west’s weaknesses is greed.

Putin will always exploit this as should anyone in the world arena.

Putin does not want a return to the USSR and Russia may not be a democracy, but Putin does love his country.

He remembers what Russia went through in WW2 and he is not going to allow that to happen again.

He believes in a strong Russia, however, he does not want to take over the world or even attempt to dominate the world like the US has tried to do the past 60 years, but I digress…Let’s look at some facts.

The Biden administration has basically funded this war by killing US domestic oil production and buying Russian oil. 262 million barrels in 2021 year alone.

The Biden administration has made the Russian Federation billions of dollars in oil revenue since 2020.

That being said, how can sanctions work when the US has to buy oil every day from Russia?

They can’t or else the US does not get ANY Russian oil. Talk about a Catch-22 for oil spicket for you.

We’ll talk tough, we’ll say all the right things to the media about how bad you are, about how much the USA supports the Ukraine, etc. but when the time is right and we NEED a distraction, you invade Ukraine. We get our distraction, you get much needed US $$, we get Russian oil and you take our NATO offer off of the table yourself.”

Putin is likely getting more out of this that we’ll never know about. The sad thing is that Putin was going to do this anyway if NATO membership was a real offer.

If the NATO membership offer for Ukraine was withdrawn, the current state of affairs would not be happening.

Trump would have been smart enough to talk tough and end up with no war and no Ukraine NATO membership. Joe Biden is not that smart and in my opinion, whoever is running the Biden administration has other axes to grind that we don’t know about yet.

The next “deadly” variant maybe?? More wokeness in the military? 15 justices on SCOTUS? Reparations for all? Spanish as the official language of the USA? AOC for Chief Justice?…the crazier the better when it comes to this administration it seems…

History aside, after reading this feel free to call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, but three years ago if I would have told anyone reading this that you’d need a mask to go food shopping and a passport to go to dinner in Boston in 2021, you’d have said I was crazy as well.

I ask that you try to take and this in…

Despite what the mainstream media says, the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin ARE NOT a direct threat to the USA.

Joe Biden and whoever is running his administration has the USA going downhill on a rocket sled at warp speed.

That is the real threat to our nation.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was brought on by the Biden administration and is nothing more than a needed distraction for them.


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