Look! Over there! A War!

by Kensley Vitoria

American liberal media circles are going mad vilifying Russia over Putin’s “special military operation” in Ukraine.

What convenient timing, given that their narratives surrounding coronavirus, their petulant attempts to obfuscate their implementation and defense of voter fraud mechanisms, and the trucker convoys blockading capitol cities in open rebellion all risk the total collapse of the Build Back Better agenda, a.k.a. The Great Reset, a.k.a. The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Nobody is out there calling for peace. All of the media channels focus on casualties, troop movements, Zelensky’s heroism, Biden’s demented blunderings, Putin’s power positioning, and various countries’ uncoordinated haphazard responses. There is no global coordination towards peace. However, there is global coordination towards permitting a lazily meandering path towards chaos.

The invasion of Ukraine has been interesting in two aspects— first, English language news media has been overwhelmingly anti-Russian, and second, there haven’t really been that many casualties.

We want to thank Kensley Vitoria for this Op-Ed.
Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

It has been around 72 hours since the morning that hot war began to break out. Reports of explosions and gunfire in Donetsk and Luhansk turned into videos of Russian military aircraft and tank columns on the move. Social media, documented evidence of explosions on the horizon and burning wrecks circulated.

There was an apartment building or two that were struck by missiles, but was the building occupied? It seemed everyone had already fled the city or was hiding in subway stations. In a country of 41 million, estimated casualties reported ranged from 100 to 1000. What kind of war is that?

Russian forces, with all of their superiority in planning, preparation, and technology, seemed not very interested in achieving their objective. Except, just what was their objective? Was it to get caught in urban warfare on the streets of Kyiv and risk heavy casualties? Was it to dismantle the Ukrainian government and put in place an administration that would abandon NATO?

After all, for most of the past decade, Ukraine has been held in a state of constant simmering tension. This narrative of imminent Russian invasion has been almost entirely driven by a small cadre of media, government, and military elites.

And this is the crux. Putin’s line that he is “de-Nazifying” Ukraine seems really not that far from the truth. Western syndicated liberal media is all too quick to dismiss anything Putin says as the meaningless words of a lunatic tyrant. Except that’s not what Putin is. By and large, he is a very sophisticated leader who has been pivotal in bringing Russia from post-Soviet disarray to its modern position as a global superpower.

This is not to be pro-Putin. This is simply to not be dogmatically and idiotically anti-Russia, like basically everyone in the Western liberal media complex.

From Russia’s perspective, this situation has been building for years. How long has Ukraine been in the process of joining NATO? The USA acted strongly when Russia attempted to put missiles in Cuba. Now, when the USA attempts to put missiles in Ukraine, it is kind of silly for anyone to be surprised that Russia wouldn’t stop them. It would only take some idiot American politician, of which there are plenty, to threaten a strike on Moscow. That is ridiculous. Russian action in self-defense was always inevitable.

From a global standpoint, the “special military operation” serves the Western liberal media complex’s agenda. It permits them to be totally sensational and insanely outraged about something, without doing so in a way that undermines their position. If anything, it seems the situation is expertly engineered.

Not even all of these Western liberal media types can see it, although some may. Because they are being played. They are being given a temporary “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

The situation allows them to continue their stupid, nonsensical outrage over contrivances without addressing American trucker convoys, the end of coronavirus, or voter fraud plans being put in place for the 2022 midterms.

It is the perfect distraction.

These people in the Western liberal media complex are disgusting enough to not care if the price of their continued status quo is only several hundred lives. They are truly a rancid lot.




  • Kensley Vitoria

    “Kensley is a proponent of freedom, virtue, intelligence, education, and justice. A teacher by trade, they enjoy writing about global politics, international economics and finance, and space exploration. Having attended Georgetown and Hong Kong Universities, they are happy to provide a unique perspective on world affairs.”

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