by Kimberly Morin

Jesse Kelly, host of the nationally syndicated ‘Jesse Kelly Show,’ posed a question on Twitter to his followers –  He wanted to hear stories about things that happened to people as a result of COVID restrictions. The results are heartbreaking and infuriating.

Everyone should read this thread and REMEMBER that any and all restrictions were based on the recommendations of the man who paid for COVID to be created using our tax dollars – Anthony Fauci. Most politicians didn’t even question the science or Fauci’s failures throughout his lifelong career as a D.C. bureaucratic hack, they just simply went along as if Fauci was ‘the science,’ the arrogant little tyrant later claimed that as fact.

Some of the stories are below but everyone should read through this entire thread, share it, and save it. Americans must NEVER FORGET what politicians and UN-elected bureaucrats DID to this country, especially the elderly and school-aged children. We may eventually recover from this (it will take decades) but we must never, ever forget.

Hopefully, one day, the medical community, who flushed their ‘do no harm’ oaths down the toilet, will have a reckoning. And hopefully, one day, Anthony Fauci, along with those who aided and abetted him, will be on trial for crimes against humanity:

These are just some of the horrific stories in the very long thread on Twitter. Granite Staters probably have their own stories as well. Please share in the comments or by emailing me. We cannot EVER forget what they did to us.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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